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Printed ring with smaller diameter than was defined  

Printed ring with smaller diameter than was defined

I am rather new to the 3D printing hobby and I am using a i3 MK3+ printer for this. I have done som printing of already finished items from the SD card delivered with the printer and some item from To day I thought that I should try to print something I had designed myself. So I designed a ring with a certain diameter in Fusion and exported it to the Slicer and from there to a Raspberry Pi, running OctoPrint (as I also did with other prints). The problem is that the  printed result is a bit smaller: the diameter is about 5 mm shorter than defined in Fusion. I used the PETG filament for this print. So is there anyone who has an idea what I have done wrong? I need some help with this.

This topic was modified 8 months ago by Janoz
Posted : 17/07/2024 11:18 am