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Print quality help needed for MK3  

New Member
Print quality help needed for MK3

Hello all.
I´m facing with print issues on my MK3.
Last I`ve tried to print the upgrade parts MK3->MK3S. The results are attached. The rounds are ovals and there are lot of holes in the prints, where shouldn´t be. With the oozing I can live, but the rest is simply not the quality I wish to have., please see pictures.
PLA and PET has the same problem, so it shouldn´t be because of the material.
I´ve used the gcode available from github, and also tried using predefined Prusa settings in the SlicerPE for the corresponding material. Speed reduced already to 77%.
Your help is highly appreciated.
Thanks, Zsolt

Posted : 14/03/2019 2:47 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Print quality help needed for MK3

It looks like you have two problems.
1. Your Z level appears to be too low and the first layer is smeared.
2. The X and Y belts may need to be slightly tightened, or the drive wheels on the motors are not tightened properly.
A dirty bed can also be a contributing cause. Wash the bed with detergent and water and then use Windex or similar window cleaners if printing with PETG.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Posted : 14/03/2019 5:46 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print quality help needed for MK3

Hi RHDreambox.
Thanks a lot for your answer, I´ll check what you suggested still today and revert.
Kind Regards, Zsolt

Posted : 15/03/2019 10:26 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print quality help needed for MK3

Hello. I´ve done the suggested modifications, it has improved a lot the print quality. Thanks a lot for the help!

Posted : 18/03/2019 12:49 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
Re: Print quality help needed for MK3

Pratxtise with first layer, this is very important.
Normally it is stays ok, but better is to look what the printer is doing the first layer.
Then you can adjust the first layer on the fly, in the beginning of printing.

Look for first layer test stl, then learn how to get the first layer , without holes, prusa manual and here on the forum you can find pictures to see how it should look like.(there are also websites with printing failures with pictures).
Same for top layer.

Clean bad very good , every print.

Clean rods and put oil on it, look in the forum with oil, special oil is needed.

Posted : 20/03/2019 1:54 pm