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PETG woes  

Eminent Member
PETG woes

Okay just when I thought I was beginning to get this stuff, a package arrived. Yay it was my Prusa Orange and Black PETG, all the way from I would love to visit. But first I need to start printing some spare parts as well as modified parts. So I load the black, pick a part, slice it up in Slic3r using the Prusa PETG standard settings, except I add a brim. I added a brim simply because it has been what has saved me with PLA and Taulman 910.

But sorry no love, just a big blob moving around the print bed stuck to the print head after a few min. The brim even had issues. It seems that the PETG does not like to stick to the bed and it also seems to blob. I tried the old glue stick as well as a plethora of settings and temp variations within Slic3r, Cura and Simplify3D, but nothing has worked.

What am I doing wrong and what advice can you pros give this 3deophyte?


Napsal : 20/12/2018 4:46 am
Prominent Member
Re: PETG woes

You may have to follow the advice that has been written here hundreds of times.
Clean the bed with detergent and water.
If it does not work, check Z-level again.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Napsal : 20/12/2018 8:46 am
Peter in Katy
Estimable Member
Re: PETG woes

It sounds like the z-level level is too high.
Look for the"Life Adjust" thread. Use the square to check your level. You do need a clean bed, but you must use a release agent (Windex, soapy water, glue,Magigoo). Once PETG sticks, it doesn't want to let go of PEI.

Good luck. PETG is a very nice material. Once you figure it out, you'll love it.

Napsal : 20/12/2018 3:57 pm
Eminent Member
Re: PETG woes

Have you been using PLA or other materials before? I know you're supposed to raise your z by .2 for PETG as PETG doesn't like to be smooshed like PLA.

Napsal : 20/12/2018 6:09 pm
Eminent Member
Re: PETG woes

I remember having similar issues and being frustrated like you. After getting lots of advice of various sorts, I switched to using blue painters tape on the build plate and then raised the temperature of the bed for the first layer to something relatively high like 85 with the extruder at 145 or so. I finally got the first layer to stick OK. The other part as people hav mentioned is to add a Z offset to make it just a bit higher than you would have compared to PLA. In other words, if you have the Z height adjusted perfectly for PLA, then add .02mm to the height. (I thought 0.2mm would be too much, but I may be remembering wrong. You can then do test prints with a bit more offset each time to see if that helps.

Napsal : 21/12/2018 4:03 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: PETG woes

I resolved almost all of the issues. I say almost as there is always room for improvement, but my prints are now as good as any I have seen. I ended up using Simplify3D to slice due to it's plethora of adjustments and I followed this guide.

To summarize the bed level and cleanliness was not an issue, I had already checked that before the post. It came down to a number of issues, bed temp, extruder temp, speed, etc.

Napsal : 24/12/2018 12:31 am
LA 3D Printer Repair
Re: PETG woes

I resolved almost all of the issues. I say almost as there is always room for improvement, but my prints are now as good as any I have seen. I ended up using Simplify3D to slice due to it's plethora of adjustments and I followed this guide.

To summarize the bed level and cleanliness was not an issue, I had already checked that before the post. It came down to a number of issues, bed temp, extruder temp, speed, etc.

Just please make sure to prepare your bed properly with Windex or other interface agent when printing PET, and NEVER print PET on a freshly rejuvenated (acetone refreshed) bed, the PEI and PET are too compatible and will permanently bond, damaging the PEI sheet.

100% Acetone refresh occasionally and >90% alcohol frequently to clean are your ticket to consistent stick with PLA.

Napsal : 24/12/2018 1:35 am