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PETG curling up when printing horizontal cylinder.  

Eminent Member
PETG curling up when printing horizontal cylinder.

MK3S, PrusaSlicr 2.2.0, Prusa brand PETG, newly opened.  Default settings, except cubic infil.

I'm trying to pring a part that has a horizontal cylindrical part that sits on the ground.  I can't rotate the part to get away from it, there's one going the opposite way on the other side of the same part.  The parts ledges that form the curve are curling up as it prints.  What can I do to improve or alleviate this behavior?  And looking close at the work, it doesn't appear the PETG is behaving very well in some spots anyway.

Questa discussione è stata modificata 4 years fa 2 tempo da shorton
Postato : 11/05/2020 12:07 am