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Petg continuously clogging  

New Member
Petg continuously clogging


I am new to 3d printing and am experiencing constant clogs during printing on my mk3 when using petg. I also noticed, that when i extrude manually from the settings, the extruded string is full of bubbles as seen in the attached photo. May the clogs come from the filament having pulled humidity? And how can i dry it?

Opublikowany : 30/03/2019 11:50 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Petg continuously clogging

Hand oils, moisture, and other contaminates will cause this.

Opublikowany : 30/03/2019 1:15 pm
New Member
RE: Petg continuously clogging

Yes. It definitely absorbs moisture and will cause this. When I first started with it I was having issues and then adjusted settings and adjusted settings, and continued to have clogs periodically. Then one day I grabbed a roll I had not used in a while and threw it in my printdry as I knew it absorbs moisture and assumed it should be dried and the print came out perfect.  So even the brand new rolls that I was getting that were vacuum sealed had enough moisture to cause the minor clogging.  Since I started putting all rolls in the printdry I have not had a problem.  

Opublikowany : 06/06/2020 8:52 pm