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PETG Benchy issues  

Active Member
PETG Benchy issues

I just started printing PETG and am running into some issues with bridging and some of the layers don't seem very smooth. I'm running the generic PETG filament profile and have adjusted first layer to 235, bed 95. other layers 240/90. I also unchecked keep cooling fan on and set min and max fan speed to 0-70. I also have it set to retract on layer change and wipe while retracting. Additionally, I have first layer height set to .3mm and am printing at .3mm draft quality. All other settings are stock.  any ideas what I can do to improve my print quality?


Napsal : 01/12/2020 7:39 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: PETG Benchy issues

Use 0.2 setting.

Use the standard setting in the slicer.

You are missing cooling, some parts in picture are drooping because it is not cooling enough.

Only play with, temperature, I would try to lower temperature.

Napsal : 01/12/2020 9:20 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PETG Benchy issues

I've had trouble with adhesion at lower temps, so I tried adding minimum fan speed to 20% and then printed at .2 - MUCH better results. Thank for your suggestions. 

I noticed there is still some imperfections - around the porthole it looks like there is some ghosting or some effect and the bridging is much better but still not just right. 


Napsal : 01/12/2020 11:36 pm
RE: PETG Benchy issues

There should not be any adhesion problems with PETG, rather the opposite.

If 1. layer calibration is correct it is properly a dirty build plate that is the problem. Try washing the PEI sheet in warm water and dish soap, followed by a quick dry to avoid rust.

If the build plate is smooth PEI, use a wipe with windows cleaner before print to protect the PEI sheet. The textured sheet can be used as is for PETG.

And as @peter-m-3 suggests, use the stock PETG profile and only adjust temperature.

Have a look at my models on 😉

Napsal : 02/12/2020 3:12 am
Cobalt Echo se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PETG Benchy issues

I went back to the stock PETG profile and that worked fine for my benchy. I had issues printing another component with the stock settings, but that was also a clear PETG filament and this black one seems much more consistent. Appreciate the help.


Napsal : 05/12/2020 6:04 am