Optimizing printing time on my first model
I'm getting my printer in most likely two or so weeks and I've starting designing my first project ideas and this third of a snare drums shell printing time seems pretty high at 1 day and 12 hours... That's better than the first slice of 8 days and I got it to look great and just need to add some holes for bolts once I have the snare parts in, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to lower the printing time further than I already did? For context on current settings, the snare when assembled has a 12 inch diameter and is 8 inches in depth. The shell wall is 8 layers thick with no gap in the middle, since I'm going to make this into a real drum and I want to hear what it sounds like. The blocks, lugs, on the outside are hollow with 1 or 2 layers of reinforcement at the top of the top two and bottom of the bottom two to be able to secure the bolts for the rims of the drum into them. Finally, I optimized the shape and orientation of the lugs to not have a huge support structure with out compromising the theme of the shell. Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions!
RE: Optimizing printing time on my first model
You do not write what layer height you intend to use, but anything but "0.20 mm quality" is a waste of time.
The layer height will then be 0.2 mm, but the layer width 0.45 mm.
A thickness of 8 layers becomes 3.6 mm (0.45 * 8), is 3.6 mm correct? Then enter 4 perimeters (4 inner and 4 outer = 8 perimeters).
Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder
RE: Optimizing printing time on my first model
Changing to 20mm knocks off 12 hours, which is great, but why is anything below 20mm of layer height a waste of time? Is the quality bump versus time spend basically meaningless? Sorry if that’s a dumb question. Also, yeah I forgot to mention the layer height I have is the 0.015mm at the quality setting. As for the shell width, yes that’s about what it’s at but I’ll change it in the model according to the width of the actual extrusion of my machine once calibrated to keep it in a range of 3.0 to 3.6 mm thick for the solid structure I desire.
RE: Optimizing printing time on my first model
For most purposes 0.2mm layer height is more than good enough. Thinner layers are needed only for some fine details.
You will see yourself when you get machine and to some test prints.
For model you are creating I guess even 0.3 mm layer height will do fine with substantial reduction in time needed for print.