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Odd under extrusion following replacement PCB  

Chris Hudson
New Member
Odd under extrusion following replacement PCB

Hi guys,

I have 2 x MK3 upgraded to MK3S and 1 MK3S. All of which run with 1mm nozzles. Recently my oldest printer (1.2 years) started having power failures with the LCD flashing etc. I thought it would be either the PSU or PCB after checking connections. I measured the PSU voltage which was fine so decided on the PCB. Anyway after changing the PCB I went on to run a usual print that I do and had severe under extrusion - full of holes, layers partially printed etc. 

I moved the SD card with the same file to one of the other printers and had no issues. I swapped the 1mm nozzle around, did a cold pull etc but filament loading and unloading seems to be faultless anyway. 


I decided to flash the latest firmware to the printer - oddly I get a message stating MK3S firmware on MK3 printer which I've never had before.


The printer will print perfectly if a model is setup for a 0.4mm nozzle and the nozzle changed to 0.4mm. but it just won't print with a 1mm anymore. Thoughts?

Veröffentlicht : 04/11/2019 8:20 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Odd under extrusion following replacement PCB

you sliced with a mk3 profile not a mk3s one -

Veröffentlicht : 04/11/2019 9:10 pm
Chris Hudson
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Odd under extrusion following replacement PCB

Ah that makes sense, I'll alter it tomorrow and give it a go 

Veröffentlicht : 04/11/2019 9:39 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Odd under extrusion following replacement PCB

Also, a PSU might show good voltages at low loads (like a printer sitting idle). But once you put it under load you may get the voltage dropping out. If you can do it safely, try monitoring the voltage output of the power supply when you have both the heated bed and extruder heating to temperature from cold (to force 100% heating duty cycle).

(i.e. it might still be your PSU after all... But I could be wrong.)

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Veröffentlicht : 04/11/2019 10:25 pm
Chris Hudson
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Odd under extrusion following replacement PCB

Turns out it was just the start code as promoted by David. I was Cura to slice and imported a start and end code ages ago. The first line mentioned the firmware version. Deleted that and it's all good.

Veröffentlicht : 07/11/2019 3:55 pm