Ninjaflex artifacts on bellows part of print
Printing with Ninjaflex Water color (clear) 85A and seeing artifacts only on bellows portion of print, print does not have any gaps or holes, very flexible.
Filament has been dried in Sunlu dryer for 6+ hours
Printer MK3S
Prusa Slicer 2.6.1 win64
Filament Profile Ninjaflex selected
Quality selected is .20 mm @ MK3
bellows section is set to a single perimeter to keep flexible using .1 mm layer height, 0 infill, in just the bellows portion using Layers and Perimeters
all other portions are .2 mm layer height.
Only over-rides on profile are below (all other settings are defaulted for FLEX type)
Seam Position : Nearest
1st layer and 2nd plus : 245 hot end
50 bed temp
Hoping that someone has an idea why the bellows section has those artifacts and not nice smooth lines.
Best Answer by tweakbot1:
Closing this post out, turns out after numerous tests lowering the hot end temp to 225 did the trick, filament was dry too, so the temp of 245 was much too hot and was causing some boiling during extrusion.
RE: Ninjaflex artifacts on bellows part of print
replying back to my own thread here...I spoke with Prusa support and they suggested to reduce the printing speed by 35%, this did not make any difference, I also tried increasing the flow rate during print run by changing the Tune Nozzle Flow setting from 100% to 125% and no different.
Anyone have any thoughts?
RE: Ninjaflex artifacts on bellows part of print
Closing this post out, turns out after numerous tests lowering the hot end temp to 225 did the trick, filament was dry too, so the temp of 245 was much too hot and was causing some boiling during extrusion.