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Need help with ABS  

Active Member
Need help with ABS

Hi everyone,

I'm currently working on a printed R2D2, the head/dome is nearly finished and printed in PLA.

For the body I wanted to use ABS because of strength and aceton welding. I also thought of PETG, but didn't found a good solution for glueing that.

So I started printing the first part on my MK3 with a powder coated sheet, but I have a huge problem with warping. Not one print could be finished beacause the part warped so bad.

I've tried many different things(one at the time): changed the bed and nozzle temperature, I've build an enclosure, added the part cooling fan at max. 10%...nothing helps.

Does anyone has a suitable solution for my problem?

Happy printing and a big thanks in advance.


Publié : 28/10/2019 5:46 pm
Noble Member
RE: Need help with ABS

Hi Tim,

There is only one solution: Make the environment temperature as high as possible. But even with 50C you might have warping and layer lamination. It highly depends on the part geometry and the size of the object. The ABS filament shrinks while cooling.

My suggestion is to print everything in PLA and use a proper glue. Acetone welding is not worth all the ABS trouble.

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Publié : 29/10/2019 12:28 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Need help with ABS

Ditto on the "avoid abs" ... PETG works well as does PLA.  But PETG also wants to warp, so it might be just as problematic.  

I use a variety of super glue on PLA and it works rather well.  Gorilla foaming version works good to fill gaps but requires clamping; and the thick gap filling super glue is better for ill fitting parts (the thin glue will creep through the part and end up on the floor, or worse).  And I often use the two part variety - glue on one side, accelerator on the other - for the instant bonds. 


Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years par --
Publié : 29/10/2019 6:02 am
Sembazuru a aimé
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Need help with ABS

Thanks for the answers, I'll try to head up the environment as high as possible. The parts are actually printable, a lot of R2 builders have printed them in ABS, thats bothering me the most 😀 My problem is that I need a really good bond between the parts as they have to carry a lot of weight and have to absorb a lot of dynamic forces. So aceton welding seemed to be a good solution. With PETG I havent had any problems with warping so far even on bigger parts.


Publié : 30/10/2019 10:05 am
Active Member
RE: Need help with ABS

For ABS you should try the smooth PEI sheet!
For PETG the powder coated one is better because it sticks too well to the smooth PEI.

But for ABS and PLA the smooth PEI is perfect!

Publié : 07/11/2019 11:57 am
Estimable Member
RE: Need help with ABS

RE: Glueing PETG

I have used Gorilla Super Glue Gel on PETG with no problems.  I use the gel as I think it is easier to work with as far application.


Publié : 07/11/2019 2:19 pm
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