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Need help printing with Supports with Slic3r  

Need help printing with Supports with Slic3r


I am using: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.40.0
I am new to Prusa and new to this Software (always used Cura) but I don't want to switch to a different Slicer to try just yet.

This is the problem I am having is i'm trying to print the fire_wheel.stl on

I uploaded a photo. I am printing them on the bed with this orientation. They look horrible

The bottom part the supports stick so much I cant get them off:

These are the settings I have tried. Not sure what else to try. Can someone suggest settings I should try? Maybe I should try printing upright instead of flat...

Filament: PLA
Layer Height: Tried: 0.2 0.15 and 0.1
Solid Layers: Top3 Bottom4
Infil 20%
Fill Pattern Grid
Top/Bottom Fill Pattern Rectilinear and tried Concentric

Support Material:
Generate Support Material: Yes
Overhand Threshold: 45
Enforce Support for the first: 0
Raft Layers: 0

Options for support Material and raft:
Contact Z Distance: I tried: 0.07, 0.15, 0.20
Pattern: Rectilenear
Pattern Spacing: I tried 2mm, 2.5mm and 5mm
Pattern Angle: 0
Interface Layers: I tried 0, 2, 3
Interface Pattern Spacing: 0.2mm
Interface Loops: No
Suppport on build plate only: No
X Y Separation between an object an its support: 60%
Don't Support Bridges: Yes
Sync with object Layers: NO

Posted : 27/06/2018 8:39 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Need help printing with Supports with Slic3r

Options for support Material and raft:
Contact Z Distance: I tried: 0.07, 0.15, 0.20
Interface Loops: No
I haven't tried much with mid-print supports, but I had to increase Contact Z Distance to 0.25 to get it to snap out cleanly. I had Interface Loops on as well.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 27/06/2018 11:37 pm
Topic starter answered:
Re: Need help printing with Supports with Slic3r


I played around with some smaller models and added interface loops yes and Z distance to 0.25 and changed the Pattern angle so the supports run in the opposite direction as the top/bottom and I have much much cleaner looking models so I'm gonna try these settings out with the model I was having issues with.
I did print this in an upright orientation with supports rather than flat as a test and it printed a lot better and cleaner looking.


Posted : 29/06/2018 8:27 pm
Topic starter answered:
Re: Need help printing with Supports with Slic3r


I have not been able to print any models using Slic3r that are oriented flat that require supports that do not start on the build plate. They are always so fused to the model and require a lot of post processing. Going to move onto Cura too see what happens.

If this was a side few of any of the models i'm trying to print and the issue.
------------------ <--- top layer (this side is always easy to come off)
------------------ <--- first layers (this is always so fused to the model)
0000000000 <-- heated bed platform

I have tried faster and slower speeds, different interface layers, different support orientations, different z distances, different x/y distances.. Different patterns re-tried at different layer heights and speeds.

Pretty much at a loss. I don't have much experience printing supports in these scenarios. Right now i'm using: (the CAM.STL and IdlerWheel.stl) I get the idlerwheel not too bad but the cam is a nightmare tring to get the supports without breaking the model

Posted : 15/07/2018 8:58 pm