MMU2 Idler - repeated problems printing
I've so far had ten (no exaggeration I just counted them!) attempts at printing the MMU2 idler mainly in PETG and all without exception have lifted from the bed to some extent and distorted making them unusable. One printed in PLA was almost getting there.
I've tried printing the part in a mix of other parts, and at a reduced speed (down as low as 40%) with a 5mm brim and a 10mm brim, with support, bed temperatures raised and lowered a few degrees, with the first layer printed at 90% speed and the end with the bearing always bends up , the bearing recess at that end is often not even remotely round. Lifting is evident by around the 30% completed mark. I've also positioned the print area around the bed with no improvement.
I've used the 0.15 and 0.2 PETG and PLA profiles in Slic3r, with various combinations of infill at 20% and 10%
Intermingled with this activity over the past month or two I've had many other prints without any issues, including a full set of spares for the i3 MK3 itself and indeed every other part of the MMU2 and this one part is repeatedly proving to be a nightmare
Filament used is mainly Prusa black PETG with PETG and PLA from elsewhere also tried. I'm still having the same issue with a brand new reel of Prusa PETG.
The beds have been washed in hand dishwashing detergent and fully rinsed and dried, cleaned with isopopyl, cleaned with acetone, I've tried the glue stick too.
The other end of the idler NEVER lifts even a fraction of a millimetre.
Anyone got any hints on how to get this printed accurately and without warping?