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Layer adhesion issues happening at same place?  

Estimable Member
Layer adhesion issues happening at same place?

Hi folks,

Got a very simple model I'm trying to print for my daughter - printers' been running brilliantly, but this model keeps getting split layers at exactly the same two places and I can't figure out why (as you can see the model is pretty simple and it's not failing at a particularly complex point).

I've tried adjusting the temperature a little, but scratching my head as to why this would happen at the same point if this was the cause.

Any help much appreciated!

Postato : 10/04/2019 12:17 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Layer adhesion issues happening at same place?

Make sure the dust cover nuts on the Z-Axis motor shafts are loose and not touching the motor. Also, have a close look at the lead screws (motor shafts) for anything at the level where the part is coming apart (1/2" or 3/4" up the shafts).

You can try homing the printer, and manually run the Z-Axis up and down an inch or two and look for any sign of a glitch in movement.

Since the problem isn't at the exacts same heights (close, but not identical), and in at least two places on each sample, it is also possible you have a broken wire somewhere. You could try the print again and be mindful when the printer approaches that eye level and watch for any signs of wide temperature variation. Wires can break and become intermittent: where they work here but not there.

And it could be a simple nozzle or heat break jam. Doing a cold pull followed by removing the nozzle and blasting compressed air up the heat break will clear these types of jams.

ps: If you upload the STL we can look for any oddities ... but I seriously doubt the part is the problem. But have seen simple part issues do strange things. Also - if you zip the STL and the GCODE, it will show the settings, too.

Postato : 10/04/2019 8:51 pm