How to print with glass
So I finally got around to trying this with some AtomicFilaments clear PETG.
I used simplify3d with the settings described in the how to print with glass posting.
Here's what I ended up with the first go around with the batarang model.
I'm curious if anyone has had good success.
RE: How to print with glass
Pretty slick. I have a roll waiting in the wing. Can I get your slicer settings?
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: How to print with glass
I didn't use prusaslicer. I used simplify3d, which I never ever use since buying it at the beginning.
Just plug the values from this page into simplify3D
I had to convert the values on that page though since by default S3D is per minute, so you have to multiply the speeds and such by 60
I can try zipping up the .factory file if you need it, but the values on that page apply directly to S3D, some of the settings don't translate to PrusaSlicer.
RE: How to print with glass
I realized that the first one my zOffset was a bit high. I ran it again with lower z and it looked better
RE: How to print with glass
I made a few more tweaks and I'm printing the batarang as well as a superman logo. I'll post the results when it's done. S3D generated gcode is horrible about ETA.
RE: How to print with glass
Here's the .zip of the .factory file with the superman and batman logo that's printing currently.
RE: How to print with glass
forum just vaporized my 10 min long post 🤨 that will take the wind outta your sails.
As I was trying to say, those look really nice, <--- (abridged version)
The Filament Whisperer
RE: How to print with glass
Word Fence or just a failed post? Either way, I hate when that happens.
I will try to print this tonight.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: How to print with glass
DOH! I like to save my long posts in a text editor and then paste in lol
RE: How to print with glass
now the important part is said, I'll try can add the rest. normally, one might expect to get only a translucent result at first without post processing, but the one on top of the MMU that allows you to see the threads on the screw is a very nice piece, In the past I've only had that kind of clearness when the part was right on top of a book or paper. even now I can put my clear PETG parts on top of my notes and read them, but move them .25" away and its completely defused. I have achieved results like what your showing there with post processing, lots of work for that. I like what your showing I can't wait to see whats next.
Don't Stop
The Filament Whisperer
RE: How to print with glass
I can't take credit for this. I just plugged in the settings someone else figured out 🙂 But thanks!
RE: How to print with glass
Failed post, spun and spun then shot me a something went wrong Blah, Blah, something, something on a large white page.
Not the first time this has happened and I normally do what ssill2 suggests, but I wasn't planning on being there that long *sigh* I suppose it's my fault for being long winded 😋
The Filament Whisperer
RE: How to print with glass
thats not true, you can take credit, some folks can't even get their PETG to stick 😉 let alone all the other problems you can have with it.
The Filament Whisperer
RE: How to print with glass
Thankfully adhesion is a fairly easy problem to solve. I was quite wanting to get this glass thing figured out because I have some stuff I'd like to use it for lol. Makes me want to write a S3D .factory to .3mf converter lol I'd love to figure out how to get all these settings in a .3mf file and ditch s3d. I have never liked s3d and they appear to have abandoned the darn thing since 4.1.2
RE: How to print with glass
I'm going to suggest you learn what you need to know to make the conversion yourself, it will be of the most benefit to you to learn.
The Filament Whisperer
RE: How to print with glass
The problem is that a few of those settings have no analog in PS as far as I can tell, like coast distance. unless it's called something else.
RE: How to print with glass
as the software changes over the years you will want to understand what settings are what, that will allow you to transcend the new software's and frankly the older ones also, allowing you to take advantage of unique features that each may offer.
The Filament Whisperer
RE: How to print with glass
it can be called something else, one of my biggest hurdles in the last 4 years with slicers what understanding MVS and how it does its magic
The Filament Whisperer
RE: How to print with glass
So at first glance, the .3mf file seems to just be a .zip file with special file/dir structure in it. not a big deal.
The .factory file from S3D is a binary file of some sort. I'll need to copy over to a linux vm and look at it more closely. I'm sure S3D guys are keen to have people poking around in their .factory files lol