how to match printing quality
Hi there, sorry i was not responding earlier.
so, back to my brains project.
we have sent the STL file to external company the printed the brain, the outcome was very good and smooth.
i printed the same STL on my printer and the overall looks ok - with that at the bottom there are scuffs and it's not as smooth as the company printed.
i am sure that with some alignments I can reach the same outcome but I need your help with that.
attached is my brain project - so you can play with that
please note - the white is the company, the gray-white is what I printed (if anyone knows what color they used it will be very helpful as well)
and the stl
STl attached
RE: Printer?
What printer did the external company use?
Also, the .stl did not get attached. And a 3mf could be more useful. Please zip first.
You have some overhangs which makes this model a challenge to get a clean print from. One option is to cut it in half along the hemisphere line and change the orientation and reduce the amount and severity of the overhangs. This would give you a cleaner print but you would have to glue the halves together and the seam would show, which may or may not work for your project.
RE: Or...
Turning the model upside down would also improve the overhangs by quite a bit , and there would be no glue seam.
no glue or split
i rather not have glue seam, any other ideas ?
i rather not have glue seam, any other ideas ?
Then your only practical option with a fused filament printer is to use soluble support, either a double headed printer, or in Prusa terms, an MMU.
Your commercial print was probably made with fused powder.
i am not sure what fused powder mean and how will MMU change anything - I need one colour not multiple - but perhaps I don't understand
If your professionally printed item was made with a fused powder printer that would explain why it printed so clean. It is a different printing technology than the fused filament printer you own and gives a different result.
With an MMU you can use one filament for your print and another filament for the support material. After the print is done you put your print in water and the support dissolves leaving a better quality surface. Because the support dissolves it can be printed closer and more dense and give better support for your overhangs and be easy to remove, See