How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
The technical specs for the MK3S+ say it is compatible with nylon. However, when I'm in Prusa Slicer there is an asterisk next to everyone single nylon filament in the list, which it says means it in not compatible with my printer. So, how do I print with nylon? What do I need to do to make my printer compatible?
I don't know anything about asterisks - For nylon you will need a filament dryer and, if the print is going to take more than a couple of hours, a drybox. An enclosure will help a lot too. I have got away with a couple of small gears printed in the centre of the bed without either enclosure or drybox but this is risky behaviour on my part.
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
I've never printed with nylon, so take this with a grain of salt.
I've noticed that at least on my PS setup, Amazon Basics PLA is asterisked-out when I try to select it specifically, indicating incompatibility.
I've used the generic PLA settings for Amazon Basics PLA and it prints just as well as Hatchbox and Overture, which have specific profiles, and others which use the generic PLA profile.
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
You can print nylon with an MK3S. You just have to dial it in. I use Taulman Bridge as a base.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
I do have an enclosure. I'm planning on a dryer box that I can use with my setup, which includes an MMU2. I'm brainstorming how to put that together.
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
I was going to try to "dial in", but being a rookie at 3D printing I couldn't figure out how to do that. Also, I see Taulman Bridge is one of the filaments listed in the filament table, but it is still asterisked-out in the slicer.
You can print nylon with an MK3S. You just have to dial it in. I use Taulman Bridge as a base.
The mk3s+ prints Nylon very well out of the box.
I print a lot of polymaker CoPA and pa6-cf.
Secret is filament needs to be absolutely dry, like 12h at 80c dry. And use ptfe tube from drybox to extruder. If absolutely dry it prints about as easy as PETG.
for bed use pva glue or pva slurry.
Photo is polymaker pa6-cf.
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
Another photo from polymaker CoPA:
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
The mk3s+ prints Nylon very well out of the box.
I print a lot of polymaker CoPA and pa6-cf.
Secret is filament needs to be absolutely dry, like 12h at 80c dry. And use ptfe tube from drybox to extruder. If absolutely dry it prints about as easy as PETG.
for bed use pva glue or pva slurry.
Photo is polymaker pa6-cf.
How do you select that filament in Prusa Slicer? Nice looking prints by the way.
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
The mk3s+ prints Nylon very well out of the box.
I print a lot of polymaker CoPA and pa6-cf.
Secret is filament needs to be absolutely dry, like 12h at 80c dry. And use ptfe tube from drybox to extruder. If absolutely dry it prints about as easy as PETG.
for bed use pva glue or pva slurry.
Photo is polymaker pa6-cf.
How do you select that filament in Prusa Slicer? Nice looking prints by the way.
Also, what are you using to dry it at 80C?
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
Food dehydrator.
Select any pa filament in slicer and change temperature, speed etc. according to the filament manufacturer.
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
We have one of those Ninja Cookers, which has a dehydrate mode.
Whenever I have a spool that I think may be damp, I'll put it in the device, set it to dehydrate at 120F (49C) for six hours.
I'm in the habit of doing this to spools that are in the dryboxes which I have not used for a while, just to be sure.
I have found only one spool that could not be restored using this. It was a partial spool of FilamentPM silver-gray, same as that which comes as a sample with Prusa printers, which had been accidentally left out in room air for about two years.
In the photo below you can see several hairline cracks, which break when pulled through the extruder.
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
To make incompatible filaments selectable, one need to go to Prusaslicer's Configuration tab, then select preferences. Next, check the box labeled "Show incompatible print and filament presets".
Good Luck!
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RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
I use one of these to dry filament:
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
And, if you want something specifically designed for 3d print spools, there are several on the market such as this one.
Things like this can be used to dry a damp spool, or to feed a warm dry spool to the printer.
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
And, if you want something specifically designed for 3d print spools, there are several on the market such as this one.
Things like this can be used to dry a damp spool, or to feed a warm dry spool to the printer.
I second this nomination. It is a pretty good product.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Either buy one, or just dry the filament and then feed it to the extruder via a drybox with desiccant in it.
What is important for nylon is that you better feed it to the extruder via a ptfe tube so it doesn't absorb any moisture at all.
It's easy to build one yourself.
I use one of these to dry filament:
The Magic Mill Dehydrator will work and will dry more spools at a time, but it is not ideal to print while drying or maintaining dryness.
And, if you want something specifically designed for 3d print spools, there are several on the market such as this one.
Things like this can be used to dry a damp spool, or to feed a warm dry spool to the printer.
This one is pretty good and will dry two spools at a time. Nylon sucks up so much moisture. The EIBOS 3D Printer Filament Dryer Box
will allow you to keep it dry while printing or dry prior to printing.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
I second this nomination. It is a pretty good product.
I actually do not use that.
Coincidentally it was one of those 'suggestions' for things I might like from Amazon which appeared in my inbox.
What I do use are three large Home Depot storage tubs, each with 4-5 of those silica gel dry-packs, and a cheap humidity gauge.
When I notice the humidity in the boxes start to creep up to the high 20s, I'll let the dry-packs dry overnight in the ninja cooker.
During the height of the pandemic I converted one of the dry boxes to a makeshift dehydrator using a light bulb. Very shortly after that we got the Ninja Cooker as a kitchen toy and I've been using that to dry filament ever since.
I'll probably remove the bulb and socket to reclaim the space for two or so spools in that box.
RE: How to I make my MK3S compatible with Nylon?
I second this nomination. It is a pretty good product.
I actually do not use that.
I do and it works.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog