Alles löschen
It's a fairly trivial shape to recreate 'though the overhangs might make for tricky printing - but in doing so you would almost certainly violate copyright; so don't do it.
Instead create something new inspired by, but definitely differing from the original. For example:
Which is rendered by this parametric OpenSCAD script; about 5 minutes work:
// Example dish sides=9; innerrad=50; outerrad=20; height=10; thick=3; $fn=100; difference(){ union(){ cylinder(r1=innerrad,r2=innerrad+height,h=height); for(a=[0:sides-1]){ rotate([0,0,a*360/sides]){ translate([innerrad,0,0]){ cylinder(r1=outerrad-height,r2=outerrad,h=height); } } } } translate([0,0,thick]){ cylinder(r1=innerrad-thick,r2=innerrad,h=height-thick); } }
Veröffentlicht : 10/02/2023 5:45 pm