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How do I print this knob in ABS  

New Member
How do I print this knob in ABS

I've been trying for a while now to print this knob for a Yamaha RD350 for my dad.  It's my first object printed in ABS and it must be in ABS as that's the specific material I was asked to do it in.

After hours of dialing in settings I've hit a bit of a wall with the finish.  I need to do it in as high resolution with the best possible finish I can get away with over the entire part including the underside as it has to mate with some original parts, before moving on to vapor smoothing as I'm working with some very fine tolerances. and found that the smoothing was messing with that a bit.   

If anyone can help with getting a nice consistent finish in as low a layer height as possible I would deeply appreciate it.  


I'm using an un-modded Mk3S for reference 

round 3

Posted : 18/10/2019 3:01 pm
Noble Member
RE: How do I print this knob in ABS

You need to lower the expectations for this part.

1. You have to use support which will mess up one of the sides.
2. ABS + Vapor smoothing and tight tolerances doesn't work together

The only option you have here is to print it (default 0.15 settings should be fine) and then do the finish by hand with all existing techniques (like sand paper, gap filler, ...). If the part will not meet the required size, then measure the difference, print again and do the finish work again ... Repeat this process until you're satisfied with the result. There are no magic Slicer settings which will help you in this case.

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Posted : 18/10/2019 5:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How do I print this knob in ABS

Try this ... the back side won't be beautiful, but it should print.


ps: you can lower layer height to 0.1, but that probably won't do much for the supported side.

This post was modified 5 years ago by --
Posted : 19/10/2019 1:42 am
Illustrious Member
RE: How do I print this knob in ABS

ps: if you can add sacrificial layers where the holes are, you can improve the bottom surface quite a lot. Let the bridge happen in a layer you later remove wherever the holes are.  Think of it as a layer of tape over the holes.  The "tape" then provides a nice solid surface the rest of the hole prints from. 


Posted : 19/10/2019 1:51 am