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How Do I Make This Smoother?  

pedro victor.m
New Member
How Do I Make This Smoother?

Hey, guys.

I am new in 3d printting, and until now everything was going fine, until I tried to make my own design (attached) and got unsatisfied with its smoothness.
It is supposed to be a lid that will lie on a support. Unfortunately, it has too many layers, it is not round enough.
I used Tinkercad to create it and Prusa Control to make the .gcode. I intend to print it using white ABS. I haven't done yet because the estimated time is 8h.
What do you guys suggest? Should I use another design software besides Tinkercad? If yes, which one? Or should I just print it and use sandpaper on it? Would it stay with a nice color after the sandpaper or I would need to paint it?


Postato : 22/10/2018 2:48 am
Noble Member
Re: How Do I Make This Smoother?

maybe see if tinker cad has a high res setting or something. I know ive learned in 3DS max to turn off (auto view point smoothing) so I can see when something has those damned polygon lines. been burned many times.

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Postato : 22/10/2018 3:44 am
Illustrious Member
Re: How Do I Make This Smoother?

I've not used TinkerCAD, but my understanding is that it has significant limits on the number of angles that can be used on surfaces. You might want to check into Fusion 360, which is free for educational and small startup (<$100K annual) ventures. I'd suggest spending some time with Lars' Fusion 360 videos on YouTube.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 22/10/2018 4:51 am
Estimable Member
Re: How Do I Make This Smoother?

Pedro, as stated above this is a limitation of the STL file, it has nothing to do with the slicer program or the printer.

STL converts any shape and form into flat triangles.
I also haven't used Tinkercad, only Fusion 360 which delivers the STL files with sufficient reaolution to make them appear very smooth in 3D prints.

Postato : 22/10/2018 9:23 am
Trusted Member
Re: How Do I Make This Smoother?

I don't know TinkerCAD but on SolidWorks when you save a file as STL, you can choose the resolution in options

Postato : 22/10/2018 10:25 am