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Help with prints, with pics  

bob loblaw
New Member
Help with prints, with pics

Hello everyone, having a few issues dialing in this printer. Ruined 3 surfaces using PET, now using PLA. Any help is much appreciated. Even at 40% infill, it has its issues.

Respondido : 05/12/2018 4:43 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Help with prints, with pics

It looks to me like serious underextrusion.
So, what were your parameters? Especially temperature and speed? With which material. Layerheight and nozzle size and extrusion width.

Could be because of a lot of reasons:

  • Too much material with too low temperature.

  • Too much friction in filament path (inliner defective or nozzle clogged).

  • Misaligned extruder gears, or to much or less tention on the extruder springs

  • Old high temprature material still in the system (nozzle) where the PLA temperature is not high enough to get rid of it
  • Respondido : 09/12/2018 7:09 pm
    Illustrious Member
    Re: Help with prints, with pics

    Some clarification please. By dialing in - does that mean this printer is new? By ruined surfaces, does that mean you damaged the PEI beds using PET?

    Respondido : 09/12/2018 8:18 pm
    Eminent Member
    Re: Help with prints, with pics

    It looks to me like serious underextrusion.
    So, what were your parameters? Especially temperature and speed? With which material. Layerheight and nozzle size and extrusion width.

    Could be because of a lot of reasons:

  • Too much material with too low temperature.

  • Too much friction in filament path (inliner defective or nozzle clogged).

  • Misaligned extruder gears, or to much or less tention on the extruder springs

  • Old high temprature material still in the system (nozzle) where the PLA temperature is not high enough to get rid of it

  • Also yo could check and clean your nozzle, or even change it. Try to recalibrate your extruder steps per mm with this guide:
    And maybe recalibrate your z axis. Hope this could help.

    Respondido : 13/12/2018 7:48 pm