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Help with banding in moon (lithophane)
I'm trying to print one of the classic moon lithophanes, and I'm seeing significant banding that I haven't seen in other prints. I printed a sphere to show that the printer appears well-calibrated generally. Any advice for clearing out the lines or experimenting further? The banding appears similarly on all 4 sides. (You know, the 4 sides of a sphere). It makes me wonder about loose belts, but the X axis seems quite tight, and Y a bit looser, but still reasonable. Anything else I should test?
4" moon. Hatchbox white PLA. I've tried 2 different moon project downloads, sliced with PrusaSlicer, with Pretty PLA and standard settings with similar results. 45/30mm/s for perimeters.
Posted : 09/03/2025 10:04 pm