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Help needed for Prusaslicer Settings...  

Estimable Member
Help needed for Prusaslicer Settings...


I want to print a sorta compliant spring mechanism with the most delicate wall thickness possible, so I chose a thickness of 0,4mm..:

the issue

from above, sliced it looks like this (its supposed to be made in PA):


though, from here I run into problems!
Which settings will I have to choose -- or, what to do, if I wanna have a continuous extrution of filament around each loop of hole?


thanks a million!

This topic was modified 1 year ago by Basic
Posted : 24/10/2023 8:37 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Help needed for Prusaslicer Settings...

I changed the minimum wall thickness to 0,5mm now..:

but I still get unwanted "interconnections" - which I rather choose to change some shift somewhere away from the most critical region of the spring.

Any suggestions?


Posted : 24/10/2023 8:45 pm
Illustrious Member

By the look of it your wall thickness in some of the curves fell below a single extrusion width.  Where parallel curves are laid out with cartesian spacing the distances can vary in hard-to-calculate ways.  If you want a single extrusion then your best chance is to set the cartesian spacing at just under two extrusion widths, say, 0.8mmn and disable arachne.


Posted : 24/10/2023 11:13 pm