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Help identify issue and how to solve it.  

Sandrine P
Active Member
Help identify issue and how to solve it.

Hi the community,

I am the happy owner of a MK3S+ for a bit more than a year. Off course I had little rookie issues and questions that I could handle with the forum and the Prusa support pages.
But this time I am stucked with a printing issue on large based prints (stencils). My first layer looks good (at least to me) but I can't get the second layer to stick to it... This is driving me nuts. 

Is this what we call "under-extrusion"?

I thought it was the nozzle because it was more than a year old, so I changed it and installed it (correctly I think: with the little gap between the nozzle and the heater block).

I also realigned the extruder gear and tried to tightened it properly (because I had sometimes some weird crrk-crrk-crrk noises).

As you can see I still use Prusament (I fell in love with the color ;-)) so I didn't really dared to amend the slicer settings. 

And last, since I live in southern France and the temperatures and humidity started to get higher and higher I though it could temper the filament quality I also added a box (Eibos) where I put the filament the day before I want to print to lower the humidity level.

What ELSE could I try ?? I need your precious advice and experience because I have reached  the very low level of my knowloedge here.

Thanks in advance for your help 




Postato : 27/06/2023 4:42 pm
Noble Member
RE: Help identify issue and how to solve it.

First of all dry your fillament then print a 20*20 mm cube and post images of results 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Postato : 27/06/2023 9:00 pm
Illustrious Member

Is this PLA?  PETG?

Please save your project as a .3mf file

Files > Save Project as

Zip the .3mf and post it here. It will contain both your part and your settings for us to diagnose.

Postato : 27/06/2023 9:14 pm
Sandrine P
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Help identify issue and how to solve it.

Oh thank for all the answers.

It was PLA.

I didn't save the .3mf I have only the Gcode. But I hadn't change any settings so it was easy to reproduce it: 3mf.
I'm earger to know what kind of info Diem can get of of it 🙂

I'm out of orange prusament, but I'll start drying my brand new Pink and print tomorrow a 20mmx20mm cube et post the result here.

Thanks both for your prompt answer and support.


Postato : 28/06/2023 8:39 am
Illustrious Member

Please zip it and post it here.


Postato : 29/06/2023 6:36 pm
Noble Member
RE: Help identify issue and how to solve it.


Posted by: @diem

Please zip it and post it here.


Are you aware they put links on the previous post the orange word each one goes to a download link 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Postato : 29/06/2023 7:24 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Help identify issue and how to solve it.

To me its quite obvious.  The printer is NOT capable of printing at that speed.  You are using a speed profile on a print that is mainly solid infill.  The solid infill speed is set to a stupidly high 200mm/s.  That may be a prusa default but they are being far far too optimistic.  That's topping out the volumetric flow at the max configured value of 15mm cubed a second.  Which quite frankly is also over optimistic with an E3d V6 hotend and PLA filament.  This is with prusament pla at 215, if you are going to print at higher speeds then you should at least consider upping the temperature to allow the filament to flow better and stick to the layer below.

You should test in a practical manner what the actual max volumetric is with the filament, temperature and hotend combination, and set the limits accordingly.  CNC Kitchen has a good guide on how to figure that value out.  Practically speaking though I would drop the Filament>Advanced>Max Volumetric flow rate down to a safer 10-12. 

I would also slow those solid infill speeds down in Print Settings>Speed to half so 100mms max  Id reduce normal infill speed too.

Postato : 29/06/2023 8:35 pm
Illustrious Member

Are you aware they put links on the previous post the orange word each one goes to a download link

I don't have a Dropbox account.

@neophyl is usually right about this sort of thing.


Postato : 29/06/2023 10:42 pm
Sandrine P
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Help identify issue and how to solve it.

Hi everybody.

Well, I thougt I chose "everebody with the link can see the fiile" when I did the dropbox links... meaning even without a dropbox account you should be able to download...
Thanks Neophyl for the very very interesting post...

I haven't been able to print a cube. I think I have an extruder issue... I can't load new filament. I pre-heat (PLA) then load filament in the menu, put my new filament in the little hole, it's been doing crrrk,crrrk,crrkk and didn't load... the old color fell but not the new... Even if I click "no" when it ask if the printed material has the good color, I can barelly "feel" the gear turning when touching the filament and trying to push it, but it's not going down. The problem might also be a bit technical than the set-up issue... I had realigned the gear, but maybe I have a clog somewhere... I'll try to follow the uncloging guide and let you know when done.
Thank you all for your help. All your answers are very instructive 👍 


Postato : 30/06/2023 3:58 pm
Active Member

Hi Sandrine, 

Were you able to resolve the issue? 

You may want to check your setting in Prusaslicer for the profile you are using for sure. 

It looks like a clog, perhaps the PTFE tube in the hot end is not seated properly or gear issue in the extruder.

A chat with with tech support can be most helpful.


Kind Regards, 


Questo post è stato modificato 11 months fa 2 tempo da Adayco
Postato : 09/07/2023 3:00 pm
Sandrine P
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Help identify issue and how to solve it.

Hi everybody,

Sorry, it took me a while to tell you more about my adventures. I was really under a huge pile of diverse activities that did not give me the time I wished I had for my hobby.
Indeed I investigated the maybe clog issue. I wanted to check if something was not stuck inside the PTFE tube and was ready to change it. I tried to follow this procedure:

It worked until the "Press the black plastic collet." Then it went completely wrong. I don't know how to press such a small thing is even possible. I looked at videos: it seemed feasible with just the fingers. I never managed. I tried with fingers, tweezers, pliers... It pissed me off and I lost my legendary patience. It was the first time a Prusa tuto was impossible to follow for me...

In the end, I ordered a new hotend and new tube, changed the whole thing (this time the tuto was perfectly easy to follow) and with your comment, I managed to print a nice stencil. Finally !!!! 

Thanks, Neophyl, for your help and explanation. It's true that at the beginning we can only use the proposed profile, not really understanding all the figures and numbers but it might be time for me to get into it more seriously 🙂 I have seen some CNC kitchen videos, but I find it difficult to find specific info since there's no search function on the website.
Would you happen to have a more specific link to the tuto that explains the "volumetricity-thingy"??

In the meantime I received my MK4, so I will definitely have more questions to come !!

Thanks again all for your help getting through this 👍 

Postato : 04/10/2023 8:11 am