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Hatchbox Wood Problems  

New Member
Hatchbox Wood Problems


I have tried a bunch of different settings but can't seem to get Hatchbox Wood PLA to print correctly. I know what the range of values should be to print well, but my printer won't extrude the material unless they are way over temp (won't start extruding until 250).

Original MK3
Hatchbox PLA Woodfil
.4mm nozzle
Retraction: 3mm

No, the nozzle is not jammed. First layer is really inconsistent. Once material flows, it keeps going sort of fine. To give you an idea, I tried printing a 10mmx10mmx10mm cube, and i turned the temp down form 250 to 200 mid print to see what would happen an it eventually got worse and worse, extruding only bits at a time.

This doesn't seem right considering everything else is telling me thats way too hot. Anything cooler and it under extrudes. (not sure if used that term right?)

Also, I'm new to printing, so if you need other info let me know. Thanks for any help in advance!


Publié : 27/10/2018 7:12 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Hatchbox Wood Problems

Retraction seems really high, printing with Hatchbox Woodfill right now, works great. I did a 30 hour near full build volume box a few weeks ago. I think I am using 1mm retraction and 45mm/s retract speed. Running 200C for temps.

Publié : 27/10/2018 7:27 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Hatchbox Wood Problems

O and this Filament absorbs water, you may need to dry it out. Does it crackle when extruding?

Publié : 27/10/2018 7:28 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Hatchbox Wood Problems

I appreciate the responce! It crackles a little (at 250), but not alot. I had it sealed from the manufacturer until yesterday. I'm trying to run a new test right now and will def post back. I'll keep an ear out for crackling too.

Publié : 27/10/2018 7:42 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Hatchbox Wood Problems

Sealed from manufacturer does not mean much unfortunately. I recommend drying it and trying again. Here is my latest Hatchbox Wood print to motivate you.

Publié : 27/10/2018 8:06 pm
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