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Half sphere troubleshooting (so not a supports thing)  

New Member
Half sphere troubleshooting (so not a supports thing)

I'm having some trouble getting a half sphere to print well using PLA.  The layers are not adhering evenly and in may places are pulling away a bit.  I do tweak my prusa slicer settings a bit, but I've tried this with the default settings as well  Always the same result.  Hoping someone can point me in the right direction.  Most of my prints come out fine. The filament is just plain Amazon brand red PLA, no better no worse.   Worst case I can sand it down but this seems pretty bad and something I could improve in slicer with the right knowledge. 


Posted : 01/10/2022 2:34 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Half sphere troubleshooting (so not a supports thing)

This looks bad but of course we know nothing about your slicer settings. Save your project as a 3mf file, compress it (or the forum software will reject it), and attach it to your post. This way we can see all your settings, and advice can be grounded in data and not just wild guesses. 

Also, if you print a box or rectangular object with the same settings, what do you get?

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 01/10/2022 4:06 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Half sphere troubleshooting (so not a supports thing)


I'll try to find time this weekend to do a box/rectangle. Havent explicitly done something like that in ages.  In general, I'm not having any complaints with my output.  This is the first in quite a while I've struggled with.  

Posted : 01/10/2022 5:10 pm
Reputable Member


The part is hanging in the air, standing on only a little "lip" at 12 o'clock!

RE: Half sphere troubleshooting (so not a supports thing)

Yes it is

Prusa i3 MK3S+ FW 3.11.0 (kit dec -20), PrusaSlicer 2.6.1+win64, Fusion 360, Windows 10

Posted : 01/10/2022 7:23 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Half sphere troubleshooting (so not a supports thing)

Probably poor phrasing in the title, YES, I have supports for it because the base isn't flat.  My point with the comment was that its the top half of the sphere so the poor quality is not being caused by supports.  The base isnt the problem.  My first layer is fine, no issues.  It's as it starts curving up the ball that it goes haywire.  

Posted by: @ringarn67


The part is hanging in the air, standing on only a little "lip" at 12 o'clock!

RE: Half sphere troubleshooting (so not a supports thing)

Yes it is


Posted : 01/10/2022 8:43 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Half sphere troubleshooting (so not a supports thing)


Bad X-Axis tension.

Why it didnt manifest itself on other prints, I dont know. It probably would have as it got worse, but somehow my X-Axis got way way to tight (by the numbers).  How it was degrading, not sure but it was.  I was down near 200 on the belt numbers.  Redid all of it and recalibrated, problem went away. 

Posted : 05/10/2022 3:20 am