First layer prints too high only in the center of the build plate
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First layer prints too high only in the center of the build plate  

Michael Frost
New Member
First layer prints too high only in the center of the build plate

Just like the title says, my kit Prusa i3 mk3s+ prints too high, but only in the center of the build plate. I can adjust the first layer height, but then it prints too low on the outside of the build plate. Here is what I've tried so far:

  • Did the nylock mod. Made no difference
  • Swapped heat beds with my other Prusa i3 mk3, which was no problem. The problematic machine still has problems.

I printed the build plate test model. All 8 of the outside squares are printed too low. The center square is printed too high. I looked into using bed level correction, but it does not help with a dipped center. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!

Napsal : 10/10/2022 6:34 pm
RE: First layer prints too high only in the center of the build plate

Take a straight edge and see if the platform is flat.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 10/10/2022 11:58 pm
Brian se líbí
Michael Frost
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer prints too high only in the center of the build plate

Perfectly flat. Also, the heatbed is from a different printer that had no problem printing the same gcodes with the same steel sheet.

Napsal : 11/10/2022 4:39 am
Nick Kostner
RE: First layer prints too high only in the center of the build plate

Have you made any progress on this issue? I’m have the same problem. Prints are not unusable, but the center of the build plate is noticeably higher than the perimeter leaving the first layer ragged. All with the plate being perfectly flat. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Napsal : 13/02/2025 1:40 am
Honorable Member
RE: First layer prints too high only in the center of the build plate

I know this is an old thread, but you have to check it hot, preferably at the temperature you most often print at.  The bed on one of my MK3S+'s was not very flat and I struggled with this sometimes.  Ultimately I did the nyock mod and now it's perfect every time.  I leveled the bed at 85 since I print mostly PETG.

I can also recommend setting the bed for a 7x7 for the bed mesh.  With this set and the most recent firmware it'll only probe the area your going to print on. 

I also have different sheet profiles depending on what I'm printing.  For example when printing ASA I need a higher live Z because everything grows at the higher temp. 

We don't have much info from the original poster, but things like setting your live Z lower can help depending on what it looked like.  Living with it a little squashed in some areas, but good in others is a fine compromise.  I'm most cases you won't notice on the finished part. 

Napsal : 13/02/2025 2:48 am
Nick Kostner
RE: First layer prints too high only in the center of the build plate

Thanks for the tips! I’ll give those a try and see if it solves the issue.

Napsal : 13/02/2025 4:22 pm
Brian se líbí