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Fillamentum ASA Extrafill warping issue  

Active Member
Fillamentum ASA Extrafill warping issue

Good morning

I'm printing a large part (around 25x16cm) with ASA Extrafill made by Fillamentum.
I have an enclousure for my Prusa MK3.
I'm using the printer setting provided in Slice3r PE.
When the part reach 12mm height it starts to warp so much that the PEI plate moves far away from the heating plate.

I do not have any issue to print this big part with ABS filament.
I don't have any issue to print a similar part but smaller (around 15x10 cm) by using the same ASA filament.

How can I reduce the ASA warping?
I've also made a test by reducing the noozle temp from 265°C to 255°C and the bed temperature from 110°C to 90°C which are the temperature suggested by Fillamentus technical data sheet but I had the same issue at the same height.

I don't know how to solve this.

Thanks in advance for your advices.


Opublikowany : 27/10/2018 12:12 pm
Scott Wright
New Member
RE: Fillamentum ASA Extrafill warping issue

Did you ever solve this? I am having this same issue. I have read that lowering the temperatures after the base layers helps but I have not tried it yet.

Opublikowany : 20/11/2019 6:26 pm
Active Member
RE: Fillamentum ASA Extrafill warping issue

I use a 'high skirt' as described in the middle of this article. Keep a distance from the part so there is open bed surface between the skirt and the part even if you are using a brim. 

Follow all classical rules to increase bed adhesion. Use a 3D spray as last resort.

Opublikowany : 22/11/2019 6:47 am
Estimable Member

This thread is exactly what I was looking for, concerning my problems with ASA EXTRAFILL :

Bed adhesion is very good, but I struggle with bad layer adhesion. My part is basically a U-shaped cavity with 25%infull and 2,4mm wall thicknesses - the part fills the whole Bed, around 10cm in height. The warping gets massive, not only with this part AND that bad, the parts rips apart from bad layer adhesion! The filament was fresh or dried before... using a basic Box around the Printer.

Please help! 

Opublikowany : 27/07/2021 6:09 pm