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Filament adhesion between layers help please  

Eminent Member
Filament adhesion between layers help please

Folks can anybody point me at the settings that can improve adhesion between layers. This is not a first layer issue, its all the others. What I am finding is weakness on this plane and typical circular bodies snap easily. I am trying to improve the strength between layers. As temperature and amount extruded is probably in the mix I would love some guidance if I may. I notice the weakness using Prusa PETG and PLA.

Opublikowany : 06/12/2018 7:03 pm
New Member
Re: Filament adhesion between layers help please

Hi Pete.r,
Could you please be more specific? What material do you use, what are the temperatures during print etc.
Are you printing just one part at a time or multiple?

Normally if you print PLA it has layer adhesen pretty much OK and the PETG awesomu (printing one part at a time).
Printing several parts is little bit worse due to parts cool down.

Opublikowany : 17/12/2018 1:54 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Filament adhesion between layers help please

For better inter layeradhesion two things help:
1) higher temperature, since then the layers can better bond to each other (careful: leads to worse stringing, bridging and overhangs)
2) overextrusion, since the material is squished harder on top of the existing layers (but small details might disappear, holes shrink and so on)

as I'm writing, I'd also think, a slower speed might also help.

BUT: The force needed to break a part parallel to the layers is always far less than for a perpendicular direction. Consider this in the construction of your designs. I also learned it in the snappy (ahem, hard) way 😉

Opublikowany : 17/12/2018 7:08 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Filament adhesion between layers help please

Thank you all , suggestions worked and I also found Live Z made a difference

Opublikowany : 17/12/2018 9:33 pm