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Illustrious Member
RE: Excommunicado

All that was done in P.Slicer.  Well, that and a quick coat of paints.  Had I looked at more stamps before working on it, I'd have used a thicker base for the stamp; mine is a bit thin as created above.

Opublikowany : 23/10/2019 9:17 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Excommunicado


It's a 3mf working file. You should be able to exchange just the stamp layer with the excomm image and keep the rest intact. If not, add the excomm and bury the sanction stamp inside the parts.

This post was modified 5 years temu 5 times by --
Opublikowany : 23/10/2019 9:27 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Excommunicado


Pardon me for my continued noobish inquiries but how would one go about swapping out one image for another? I tried this in Prusa slicer and couldn't figure it out. When I tried to add the cut excommunicado image as a part to the stamp it made the whole surface blank. Thank you.





Opublikowany : 30/10/2019 5:52 pm
Noble Member
RE: Excommunicado

Make sure you have Object selected (lower left) and not Preview


Opublikowany : 30/10/2019 5:54 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Excommunicado

It's select the top name in the parts list, then click Add part / Load... then select the file you want to add to the stack. 

But the new stamp had some issues to resolve ...


This post was modified 5 years temu by --
Opublikowany : 30/10/2019 9:08 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Excommunicado

Played some more - this iteration stamp is gcode only for now, stl is way huge to post at 600m -- the surface was a bit rough and I think I clicked the subdivision button about 10 times too many.  But the gcode is only 20m.

This is the Excommunicado stamp, with turned handle, 75 mm diameter.  Looks and feels better in the hand than prior versions. Requires some finishing to smooth/remove warts (artifact of print layer height.


This post was modified 5 years temu 2 times by --
Opublikowany : 31/10/2019 8:26 pm
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