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Distorting, lifting off the bed  

Active Member
Distorting, lifting off the bed

I'm pretty new to printing, I've had great results with all the small components I've tried (just using PLA so far). I've just tried the largest thing I've done so far, it takes the full diagonal corner to corner on the bed, just fits. It's about 50mm wide and 40 mm high. It's 20% fill grid pattern. It all started well and got most of the way through the print. It seemed stuck down fine, i cleaned the bed with alcohol before I started. However as it got over about 3/4 of the way through the ends started to lift off the bed. It's now quite banana shaped! What can I do to make sure things like this stay stuck down or don't distort so much during printing?

Opublikowany : 02/11/2018 7:39 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Distorting, lifting off the bed

It is very cold (<10 degrees C) in the workshop here, would putting the printer in an enclosure help?

Opublikowany : 02/11/2018 7:46 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Distorting, lifting off the bed

Hi Tim,

try a large cardboard box over the printer.

your problem is probably, largely to do with temperature differential.

if you can turn the extruder temperature down a little and raise the environmental temperature a bit, you will ease the situation.
additionally adding a brim will help as, probably, will changing the fill direction, your model is close to 45 degrees, the infill is 45 degrees, so half of the infill construction lines will go pretty much full length of the model, causing maximum tension on cooling. changing the fill angle to 0 degrees, gyroid infill might help

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 02/11/2018 8:32 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Distorting, lifting off the bed

Thank you, that's very useful information, I'll try that 🙂

Opublikowany : 04/11/2018 7:29 pm