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Disappointing Print Quality  

New Member
Disappointing Print Quality

I previously purchased a Prusa MK2, and I am well aware of the quality that these machines are capable of. That said, I am a little disappointed with my MK3 print quality. After approximately 96 hours of printing, none of the results that I have gotten have impressed me AT ALL 😡 . I really hope that I am doing something wrong because I was expecting the print quality of the MK3 to ATLEAST match the quality of the MK2.

Before I continue, here are the things that I have already tried to fix this problem:

  • I moved the filament spool off of the frame, on to an external spool in order to reduce vibrations

  • I tried slowing down the print outline speed to 35mm/s and even all the way down to 20mm/s

  • I made sure that ALL of the firmware was updated, and that I was using the latest versions of slic3r Prusa Edition

  • I tried using Slic3r Prusa Edition, Simplify3D, and PrusaControl and lowered printing speeds

  • I lowered printing temperature(I am using the standard Grey Prusa PLA)

  • I tightened my X-axis and Y-axis belts
  • The main problem that I have is that the layer lines are inconsistent. As you can see by the images attached below, the layer lines are clearly distinguishable by their differing colors. The prints that I am getting are acceptable but definitely not what I paid 750$ for. Please help, I am open to ALL suggestions. *Edit: I should also note that most of these problems occur at 0.15 mm layer height, and are somewhat reduced when using higher layer heights(such as 0.20mm)*
    (The forum won't let me attach more than 3 photos, so I have posted 3 images below, and I have linked the remaining images through a Google Drive Link).
    Google Drive Link:


    Opublikowany : 12/04/2018 3:32 am
    Reputable Member
    Re: Disappointing Print Quality

    Newbie here so might be 100% wrong. 🙂

    Wonder if you are seeing what has been reported here (and in many other threads).

    Also read about some people trying with different PLAs and discover that the grey one that came with the printer was causing them issues.

    Opublikowany : 12/04/2018 5:34 am
    Honorable Member
    Re: Disappointing Print Quality

    Yes, you are not alone.

    Opublikowany : 23/04/2018 6:40 pm
    Trusted Member
    Re: Disappointing Print Quality

    Also read about some people trying with different PLAs and discover that the grey one that came with the printer was causing them issues.

    Prusa Grey filament that came with my printer printed like sh*t for me, once I used Hatchbox or Paramount 3D filament I had much better looking prints.

    Wish they gave you Orange filament they use to print printer parts and not the grey filament!

    Opublikowany : 28/04/2018 6:20 pm
    Honorable Member
    Re: Disappointing Print Quality

    Prusa Grey filament that came with my printer printed like sh*t for me

    You made a few typos there.

    Prusa Silver filament of PURE EVIL[/size]

    I exclusivly use this filament for fine tuning the printer. I swear, if you can get it looking "decent' everything else looks GREAT.

    Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
    I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
    Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

    Opublikowany : 28/04/2018 9:23 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: Disappointing Print Quality

    Welcome MK3 Beat Tester
    This is one example the MK3 was not ready for prime time

    The Latest Firmware can be found here
    Open Firmware Issues

    Opublikowany : 28/04/2018 9:25 pm
    Trusted Member
    Re: Disappointing Print Quality

    I had a result similar to this. I reduced the extrusion multiplier to .9 and the result was near perfect.

    Opublikowany : 30/04/2018 5:14 pm