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decalibrated in pause or filament change  

Active Member
decalibrated in pause or filament change

hi, I find myself printing a sign of the big Ghostbusters, so I divided into sections for the impression, but when I pause or change the filament, X is deconfigured about 3cms, I lost several hours of printing, please any suggestions? the PrusaSlicer is updated, make the repair of the model in Netfabb of PrusaSlicer, help please.

Postato : 19/07/2019 3:02 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: decalibrated in pause or filament change

I've paused prints to change filament many times and never have had the printer lose home. Are you bumping the extruder when adding new filament?

Postato : 19/07/2019 4:27 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: decalibrated in pause or filament change

I do not, I have even when X returns to its place, it sounds a "rattle" I have calibrated it from the beginning several times, but it remains the same, before updating Prusaslicer it did not sound like that, it scares me because it can be damaging the X motor

Postato : 19/07/2019 4:53 pm
Prominent Member
RE: decalibrated in pause or filament change

The "rattling" noise can be because the belt is not tight enough, which means that the belt can jump over the teeth on the drive wheel.
It may also be because the X unit cannot move properly.
Check that it can be moved all the way and that it does not come across any resistance.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Postato : 21/07/2019 8:26 am