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So as a bit of back story; I bought the MK3 kit. I had no trouble assembling it, first prints came out flawless. About a week or two in to printing it started to get odd layer shifts. After some major failures I noticed that one of the rods on the X axis was scored pretty badly and the X no longer moved well. Prusa support sent me new rods and bearings which seemed better, but far from perfect. The X axis bearings did not move smoothly, it almost felt as if there was sand or something inside. After a catastrophic failure that cost me a new hot end assembly as well as most of the printed parts I finally got the paid for replacements from Prusa and got the thing put back together. I immediately had issues. The brand new hot end was clogged. Fine, I can clear that; after a cold pull and a good scraping with a pin the filament was flowing properly. Next, the X axis calibration failed. OK, I took apart the X axis, made sure everything was where it should be. Checked the X axis belt tension (267 according to the MK3), re-ran the calibration wizard, and boom... hot end slams in to bed. Not badly, not enough to warrant replacing it but enough to irritate me. I check everything on the X axis again and re-run the calibration wizard and now for no apparent reason it finishes. I'm thinking I'm finally in the clear and I can get back to printing. Nope. Everything I print starts layer shifting to the right. I'm very confused and not sure what to do to remedy this.

P.S. I tried slicing with slic3r PE and Simplify3D and it produced the same result. I also printed a low poly Pikachu that ended up leaning to the right.

Postato : 14/04/2018 3:24 am
Eminent Member
Re: confused

I've only experienced this once a long time ago on my MK2 when I first got it and put it together.

It did the first test print perfect but then nothing worked correct after that.

I trashed my first PEI sheet on the MK2 due to the nozzle getting crammed into the board every time it tried to mesh level the bed.

All along I had forgotten to fully tighten the retaining screws on the X axis belt gear on the x axis stepper shaft. It would "catch" just long enough to test the first few areas and then slip free a bit and catch again.

It was a nightmare to figure out due to how random the failure was. Took all day to figure out that I had overlooked 2 tiny screws.

Postato : 17/04/2018 12:43 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: confused

I've only experienced this once a long time ago on my MK2 when I first got it and put it together.

It did the first test print perfect but then nothing worked correct after that.

I trashed my first PEI sheet on the MK2 due to the nozzle getting crammed into the board every time it tried to mesh level the bed.

All along I had forgotten to fully tighten the retaining screws on the X axis belt gear on the x axis stepper shaft. It would "catch" just long enough to test the first few areas and then slip free a bit and catch again.

It was a nightmare to figure out due to how random the failure was. Took all day to figure out that I had overlooked 2 tiny screws.

That's exactly what it was! Thank you.

Postato : 19/04/2018 2:02 am