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Colorfabb PA-CF Low Warp print settings  

Active Member
Colorfabb PA-CF Low Warp print settings

Hi there,

does anyone have experience with PA-CF low warp from Colorfabb?
I have an XL spool of this and a hardened nozzle suitable for it, but I'm hesitating to start experimenting "blindly" due to the cost of the material. I have read the generic recommendations from Colorfabb, but I did not find any specific MK3 settings.

Do you have settings, recommendations, do's/don'ts with PA-CF on a MK3? Which profile to start from e.g. (generic PA setting?)


Respondido : 28/05/2018 1:41 pm
New Member
Re: Colorfabb PA-CF Low Warp print settings

Just bumping this post. Did you have any success in printing this material? No matter what I try, I end up with a "clicking extruder".
Any settings/tips that you can share?


Respondido : 04/04/2019 4:54 pm
Active Member
Re: Colorfabb PA-CF Low Warp print settings

Print really slow. Max speeds are 40mm/s with fan off (or at lowest speed it moves at). If you still get skipping, slow the speed more. I'm using a granolite coated steel sheet heated to 40C and hotend at 270C, ruby nozzle, still tuning my profile for this. I get to o god adhesion if the nozzle is too close to bed so if using granolite tune your live Z properly. Had to use knife and razor to peel of the skirt once. 😯

EDIT: Tests continue. Layer height 0.25 seems quite good for most prints. 0.20 works but had to make the first layer 0.25 otherwise I got some clogging. I've tuned the extrusion multiplier down to 0.8 to get closer to real thickness on a single wall print.

Respondido : 10/04/2019 3:04 pm
Active Member
Re: Colorfabb PA-CF Low Warp print settings

I had no luck printing ColorFabb PA-CF Low Warp. The extruder always got stuck after 10-40 layers. The extruder stepper started clicking (and did not turn).

I am using a MK3, with a 0.4 mm Olsson Ruby Nozzle.

I have tried with 240 to 270 degrees, I have tried to print slow and to print fast. I have tried with or without retraction. With or without infill. Nothing makes a difference.

The problem seems to be that the filement is melting in the cold part of the extruder, but I am not sure. See attached image. (The Ruby nozzle is not clocked).

It is a shame because the parts seems to be quite strong.

Any advice will be appreciated.

Respondido : 15/04/2019 2:51 pm
Active Member
Re: Colorfabb PA-CF Low Warp print settings

I forgot to mention: I have replaced the Noctua fan with the Sunon that actually cools the heatsink and also changed the heater block to a copper one and the heatbreak to a titanium version. Otherwise it's stock MK3 with 3.5.1 firmware. With this I don't have any problems printing the PA CF.

Respondido : 16/04/2019 3:40 am
Eminent Member
RE: Colorfabb PA-CF Low Warp print settings

Lots of problems relative to PA-CF come from moisture in the filament. Dry your filament first and if possible use a heated filament dryer to keep the filament in during printing.

Respondido : 11/12/2021 12:28 am
Estimable Member
RE: Colorfabb PA-CF Low Warp print settings

I may be late to the party, but if anyone can use it, I have attached the filament settings file that I use for colorFabb PA-CF with a 0.4 mm ruby nozzle. It works fine with 0.2 mm layer height. I believe I had clogging problems when attempting 0.15 mm (if I remember correctly).


Respondido : 12/12/2021 4:38 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Colorfabb PA-CF Low Warp print settings

Thanks, what retraction settings do you use? (length, lift and speed) I had to experiment quite a bit with these values since I encounter lots of strings being drawn right across the layer surface. It seems that there is a big pressure build-up in the nozzle which would make sense because of the higher friction of the carbon fibers in the nozzle area.

Respondido : 12/12/2021 5:57 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Colorfabb PA-CF Low Warp print settings

Right, I forgot the customized print settings I also made(for 0.2 mm layer height). Attached.

I don't remember doing anything special with retractions. The trick for me was to print slower, both motion and volumetric speed. Also having the nozzle temperature quite high helped, but that may be my ruby nozzle not transferring heat as efficient as all-metal nozzles.


Respondido : 13/12/2021 4:43 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Colorfabb PA-CF Low Warp print settings

My speed settings are even a bit slower than yours and my volumetric setting is the same. I print this filament from my "PrintDry Filamentdryer II" at 70°C.  I'm still wondering why I get such strong filament strings. My nozzle is clean and hardened (E3D v6 Nozzle X - 1.75mm 0.40mm), layer height 0,2mm, Nozzle temperature 175°C, bed temperature 50°C, fan speed 30%. Apart from the stringing, my prints with this material are fine. When I raise the fan speed further I get layer adhesian problems. I really can't see what I'm doing wrong.

Respondido : 13/12/2021 6:26 pm