Change Engraved/Embedded Text Color (NOT Entire Layer Color)
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Change Engraved/Embedded Text Color (NOT Entire Layer Color)  

Kendred Cooper
Active Member
Change Engraved/Embedded Text Color (NOT Entire Layer Color)

See attached image as reference.  If I model text (outside of the Slicer) and I Engrave (or cut in) the text, how do I change the color of *ONLY* the text "floor" and NOT change the color of the entire layer that "floor" is created/printed on?


Napsal : 10/01/2024 3:16 pm
Illustrious Member
Illustrious Member
RE: Change Engraved/Embedded Text Color (NOT Entire Layer Color)

It  has to be modelled as a 2 part Object.  One part is the main body but the 'floor' as you call it needs to be a separate Part with its own shape and thickness.

Once you have a 2 part model , when loaded into PS you can assign different extruders to the 2 parts and slice it as a multicolour print.  At that point the links Diem posted about manual multicolour  will be relevant.  

Napsal : 10/01/2024 4:49 pm
Kendred Cooper
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Change Engraved/Embedded Text Color (NOT Entire Layer Color)

Those links are fantastic!  Thank you so much.  As far as you know, has anyone done a video on this stuff?  I looked for that too but never found anything relevant.  Would be a nice visual reference at least.  Gonna try these instructions tomorrow.

Napsal : 10/01/2024 5:13 pm