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Cant print bellow 200micron, strange artifacts  

Active Member
Cant print bellow 200micron, strange artifacts

Hey all,

Im having a hard time printing below 200 microns. everytime i do i get a warp like artifact on the side of the boat, it looks like waves.

I have tried using prusas Slic3r settings
I have tried simplify3ds print settings
I have monitored temperatures to make sure they are consistant
I have gone up to 215
and as low as 200
i have reduced speed down to 45mms
I have tried protopasta
I have been trying fillamentium
and of course prusas silver.

The only thing i have done is installed a hardned nozzle. (from prusa)
And i built a case for the printer

Any ideas?
Appreciate any help

Vent section, reading not required
I have reached out to prusa over and over but they will not get back to me, i assume that since im not joel or maker muse they dont care. This is by far the worst experience i have had with a 3d printer. I have had a Robo3DR1, micro3D Ender3, and a CR10. I grabbed this because i was tired of leveling (luckaly that works) and jamming (i get regular jamming no mater how lose or tight i make the screw springs.)

Dont get me wrong, at 200 microns prints are pretty good. But maintenence on this printer is a nightmare, even though i got a kit, i hate that i have to completely deconstruct it to do any maintenence.

Postato : 14/09/2018 7:40 am
Estimable Member
Re: Cant print bellow 200micron, strange artifacts

Steel nozzles have a much lower thermal conductivity than brass nozzles so it makes sense that prusa’s slic3er settings don’t work very well with them.

You changed the product that prusa sent you significantly and now you want them to help you optimize your settings. Sounds a little naïve to me.

Maybe you should try to google and learn stuff first before you change your settings randomly and hope for a lucky shot.

Postato : 14/09/2018 9:31 am
Trusted Member
Re: Cant print bellow 200micron, strange artifacts

Can you give us a good picture of your first layer? When you change the layer height lower its even more important to have your Live Z set correctly. Setting it lower means that not as much plastic is extruding and you get less squish. I had a similar problem with my Benchy where it got high enough that the first layer let go slightly. This caused the print to rock a bit and it came out looking very similar to yours.

Clean your bed thoroughly. Dish soap, then IPA 90+%. Set your Live Z a bit lower and let us see a good picture of just that part of the benchy. Or print a 75 x 75 square at just the first layer height (See "Life Adjust Z - my way" thread).

Postato : 14/09/2018 3:53 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Cant print bellow 200micron, strange artifacts

Steel nozzles have a much lower thermal conductivity than brass nozzles so it makes sense that prusa’s slic3er settings don’t work very well with them.

You changed the product that prusa sent you significantly and now you want them to help you optimize your settings. Sounds a little naïve to me.

Maybe you should try to google and learn stuff first before you change your settings randomly and hope for a lucky shot.

So, if your read what I said instead of trying to be an internet tough guy, perhaps you wouldn't look so silly. That's ok, you zealots are all over the internet. You creep forums to feed your superiority complex because in real life you're irrelevant.

Contrary to your "help" I resolved the issue by replacing one of the Bowden gears, the gear attached to the motor had a "snaggle" tooth.

And yes, I expect prusa to support the products they sell.

Postato : 16/09/2018 10:06 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Cant print bellow 200micron, strange artifacts

Can you give us a good picture of your first layer? When you change the layer height lower its even more important to have your Live Z set correctly. Setting it lower means that not as much plastic is extruding and you get less squish. I had a similar problem with my Benchy where it got high enough that the first layer let go slightly. This caused the print to rock a bit and it came out looking very similar to yours.

Clean your bed thoroughly. Dish soap, then IPA 90+%. Set your Live Z a bit lower and let us see a good picture of just that part of the benchy. Or print a 75 x 75 square at just the first layer height (See "Life Adjust Z - my way" thread).

Thank you for the response!

I have done this before but there was no harm in trying it again. This time I took it out of the enclosure I built and I noticed a clicking sound from the extruder. This ended up being the problem, I resolved the issue by replacing one of the Bowden gears, the gear attached to the motor had a "snaggle" tooth. Once I replaced it and started getting consistent prints I was able to zero in on the quality and feel happy with my results.

I appreciate your help.

Postato : 16/09/2018 10:17 am