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better overhangs  

New Member
better overhangs

I have recently built my mk3s and the majority of prints are turning out great. Mostly i have been pulling down STLs from thingaverse slicing them in PrusaControl. I tried to print a model that had a bout a half inch (12mm) overhang that went the length of the piece 6 inches (150mm). I noticed there was a bit of stringing under the overhang that seemed to go the length of the overhang. While Im not surprised to see stringing on an 6 inch gap why didn't the PrusaControl slice it differently to lay down the overhang on the short distance instead of the long? Wouldn't laying down the overhang mostly on the short length passes reduce the change for stringing? This as all printed with hatchbox PLA which so far hasn't a trouble. I'm using default prusa PLA settings.

Postato : 10/04/2019 1:46 am
Estimable Member
Re: better overhangs

PrusaControl is not that good for complex prints. use Slic3er PE then you can adjust more settings. Overhangs are hard to get right as its printing in mid air with nothing to base on. make sure your not printing external perimeter first, then you could increase layer overlap, slow the external perimeter print speed. there are lots of settings that can help. But dont forget that the layer height vs the angle of the overhang will limit what you can do.

Postato : 10/04/2019 3:26 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: better overhangs

Thanks for the response. I'm happy to try slic3r but what I'm missing exactly how do I tune the gcode generation to sort out the over hangs. Here Im working with a small overhang, in the Y but a long in the X. All the stringing occurd only in the X direction. So my first thought is can I limit the X direction in the program? Or am I doing this incorrectly? There was some prusa youtube videos on overhangs. It stopped at adjusting the origination of the print or augmenting it to decrease the angle. It really didn't go into how to adjust the slicing or gcode generation to minimize spans.

Is there a slic3r reference for this use case?

Postato : 10/04/2019 5:15 am
Estimable Member
Re: better overhangs

How experienced are you with 3D printing?

Lots of info here

Postato : 10/04/2019 6:08 am