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Best soluble support material for ASA?  

Active Member
Best soluble support material for ASA?

I am looking for the best ASA soluble support material for ASA. I have spent hours searching the internet. The best I found was the PolyDissolve S2, but it requires chemicals and a temperature controlled water heater per YouTube link. I would rather not use chemicals and a temperature controlled water heater if possible. HIPS soluble support material uses d-Limonene to dissolve which over time also dissolves ASA per Prusa webpage link. So the HIPS is not a good solution the ASA dissolves. BVOH has a nozzle temperature between 210 and 230 degrees C. Prusa ASA nozzle temperature is 260 degrees C. So BVOH is a ok solution per Prusa forum link. I also found AquaSys 120 which has a nozzle temperature of 220-245 degrees C. This may be like the BVOH and be a ok solution and adjust the nozzle temperature while printing. AquaSys 180 is for PEEK type materials and has a nozzle temperature of 230-300 degrees C. But I don't know if the ASA will stick to the AquaSys 180. Here is a link to the AquaSys information. If someone knows of a better soluble support material for ASA that would help me.


Napsal : 02/01/2022 3:45 am
Noble Member
RE: Best soluble support material for ASA?

I couldn't for the life of me to get Aquasys 120 to play nice with the MMU.  I have nearly a full spool of it.  it blobs up and jams 100% of the time.  Verbatim BVOH is my goto as a soluble.   I've not tried it with ASA, but the product datasheet says it can be used with ABS.   The temp changing from one filament to another is usually enough time for for the nozzle to get back down into range for that filament without concern.  I just ordered 2 spools of bvoh from prusa this morning.  it's crazy, it's cheaper to order it from prusa and ship it from the czech republic to colorado than it is to buy it on amazon, by a lot.  I use bovh with petg quite a bit and I print the petg at 250'ish.   The MMU profile from prusa for verbatim bovh prints at 195 deg.   I'd give the bvoh a try, it's what I've had most success with in general.  If it doesn't work with ASA, at least you can reliably use it with PLA and PETG.

Napsal : 02/01/2022 3:49 pm
Hester se líbí
Noble Member
RE: Best soluble support material for ASA?

I'm hoping once my XL arrives I'll be able to use up the spool of Aquasys 120 I have.  it prints fine if you print something out of it, not useful I know, but in terms of using in the MMU, I  have tried many times to get it to work.

Napsal : 02/01/2022 3:52 pm
Hester se líbí
New Member
RE: Best soluble support material for ASA?

I came across this in my own search. We’ve been using PolyDissolve S2 very successfully at my job but unfortunately Polymaker has now discontinued that support material. 
We’re now trying to locate something new. We found “Ionic” at matterhackers but haven’t tried yet. I’m hoping it works well. We never had good luck with BVOH or AquaSys 120 in the past, but perhaps it’s worth giving them another try. So sorry no solid leads other than maybe Ionic, but I did want to at least add my inquiry to your own. 

Napsal : 20/03/2022 3:36 pm
Noble Member
RE: Best soluble support material for ASA?

I did get the aquasys 120 to work with TPU on the 5 extruder XL.   I'm doing some more tests today.  My old standby, bvoh, hasn't given me good results with PETG.  It doesn't want to stick.  Aquasys seems like the most versatile for bed and nozzle temp and SHOULD work with ABS/ASA too as I understand it.   I just got the enclosure recently and I've not had a chance to rig up ventilation to try any ASA printing on the XL so I can't say definitively.

Posted by: @ry

I came across this in my own search. We’ve been using PolyDissolve S2 very successfully at my job but unfortunately Polymaker has now discontinued that support material. 
We’re now trying to locate something new. We found “Ionic” at matterhackers but haven’t tried yet. I’m hoping it works well. We never had good luck with BVOH or AquaSys 120 in the past, but perhaps it’s worth giving them another try. So sorry no solid leads other than maybe Ionic, but I did want to at least add my inquiry to your own. 


Napsal : 24/11/2023 5:55 pm
Noble Member
RE: Best soluble support material for ASA?

ok the aquasys 120 is good!   just did this petg print,  going to do a pla and then tpu also.

Napsal : 24/11/2023 8:18 pm