Benchy printing problem with PETG
I am using Polylite PETG with my MK3S and a Hemera extruder. It is working well except for printing the white PETG filament from Polylite. The grey PETG is perfect.
Notice the tip of the stern corners, there seems to be some delamination with the uplifting. What setting do I need to adjust to make the stern and side walls better?
RE: Benchy printing problem with PETG
I am using Polylite PETG with my MK3S and a Hemera extruder. It is working well except for printing the white PETG filament from Polylite. The grey PETG is perfect.
Notice the tip of the stern corners, there seems to be some delamination with the uplifting. What setting do I need to adjust to make the stern and side walls better?
As a first step, I would reduce the extrusion factor. You have probably set it to 1. Go back 0.85 and compare the result.
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Benchy printing problem with PETG
I changed the extrusion factor from 0.98 to 0.85. It does not seem better, maybe worse. The right rear corner is worse.
RE: Benchy printing problem with PETG
For comparison, here is a Polylite PETG gray filament same machine same setting as the original pictures. Both are new rolls less than a week old and kept in an airtight box. I seem to have more trouble with white filament, gray black and silver seem to work the best.
I would like some settings that will work with white.
RE: Benchy printing problem with PETG
It probably does not seem to be due to the hardware. You can still try to print a temptower with the problematic filament and possibly reduce the feed rate a bit. The filament could also have deviations in the diameter. This also causes irregular extrusion.
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Benchy printing problem with PETG
I agree, but was hoping someone would find something I overlooked. I think the filament is out of specifications s and will just not work.