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ASA for car interior and exterior parts?  

Estimable Member
ASA for car interior and exterior parts?


Not sure I'm posting in the correction section here, sorry if not.

I'm new to 3D printing, I'm now relatively confident using PLA I want to move onto printing some car parts, I haven't completed the modelling yet but need the filament to be reliable inside the car and outside.  Some pieces will also be painted.

Not sure of temperatures it needs to withstand but I'm in the UK and with recent very hot weather interior gets quite hot on a sunny day. In preference I'd prefer something that doesn't smell too bad during printing but think that unlikely.

I've been looking on the internet but I'm still a bit undecided what filament would be best.  I'm tempted to try ASA and would welcome your advices.



Opublikowany : 26/06/2020 5:49 pm
Famed Member
RE: ASA for car interior and exterior parts?

They say that PLA may indeed soften in a hot car in a desert region and that ABS is much better.  I'm doing a digital clock for my wife's car and I originally planned PLA but am switching to ABS because of the reports.

Opublikowany : 26/06/2020 8:14 pm
Lize polubić
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: ASA for car interior and exterior parts?

Yes, even in the UK others have said PLA softens.

Opublikowany : 27/06/2020 11:46 am
Estimable Member
RE: ASA for car interior and exterior parts?

I live in the UK and have printed toys using PLA for my kid which he left in my car. None of them have melted or softened.





Opublikowany : 27/06/2020 12:45 pm
Lize polubić
Noble Member
RE: ASA for car interior and exterior parts?

The glass transition temperature of PLA is 60C , PETG is 90C and ASA is 105C. Note that PETG is generally concidered to be easier to print than ASA.

Opublikowany : 27/06/2020 3:28 pm
Lize polubić
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: ASA for car interior and exterior parts?
ASA filament
ASA, or acrylonitrile styrene acrylate, is a thermoplastic that combines mechanical strength, UV resistance and water resistance. It also has high dimensional stability and good chemical resistance, making it ideal for prototyping, outdoor applications and the automotive industry.
For outside, use black(better against sun), and paint it (better for long term ).
Opublikowany : 27/06/2020 5:16 pm
Lize polubić
Noble Member
RE: ASA for car interior and exterior parts?


"For outside, use black(better against sun), and paint it (better for long term )." Thats interesting, I thought black absorbed more energy and that white reflected more.

Opublikowany : 28/06/2020 1:09 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: ASA for car interior and exterior parts?

Black does not let light through , and only the outer layer can get light, the inner should not see any light.

Of course painting should be better.

Opublikowany : 28/06/2020 7:42 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: ASA for car interior and exterior parts?

Thats interesting, makes sense to car parts being made from black ABS and other plastics, just thought perhaps black was cheaper and provided uniform base for painting but perhaps its to do with keeping better/storage.  All mine will be painted but I'll get black anyway.

Just in the midst of modifying an old cabinet into an exclosure to help with temperature and avoid the smell in the house.  I have an old bathroom extractor fan so thought I'd put that in the top but leave it turned off during printing and then switch it on to pipe out of the window before opening the cabinet.

I'm loving this 3D printing, the number of car modifications I can try now is endless!  I made a quick stamp in PLA and clamped it onto wet leather as I'm currently recovering my steering wheel.  I printed a lipped cylinder to fit the G clamp foot and then the stamp part and stuck together with double sided tape.  Its a very mangy old bit of leather I tested it on but it worked better than I hoped:

I noticed I got a bit of deformation in one corner but put it down to high fill I'd opted for and small size, it didn't matter in this case but something I might need to review.

Opublikowany : 28/06/2020 8:15 pm
Noble Member
RE: ASA for car interior and exterior parts?


Hi Peter

I don't think I got my point across, "Black does not let light through" isn't really the point. A black object will absorb more of the suns energy (and thus get hotter) than a whit object. Being shiny rather than matte will help as well.

Opublikowany : 29/06/2020 11:17 am
Jerry polubić
Noble Member
RE: ASA for car interior and exterior parts?

Can't edit the above, I guess if you're going to paint it's doesn't matter.

Opublikowany : 29/06/2020 12:07 pm
Lize polubić