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Z offset problem
I have a recurring problem on my mk3s fysetc , I noticed that when bed leveling the pinda does not always give the same measurements , sometimes it happens that it is lower and touches my floor or it is high and the material does not stick . say it is not constant. therefore I often have to adjust with the z offset to be able to print the first layer, is it the Chinese pinda that is worth nothing or do I need to do some calibration on the machine? Thank you
Napsal : 08/04/2023 5:28 pm
RE: Z offset problem
Have you checked to make sure that the screw holding the Pinda is not loose? (If you tighten it do it when the machine is cold). It could also be loose wiring to the Pinda and a long shot that one of the Z axis motors is not secure.
Napsal : 08/04/2023 6:23 pm
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RISPONDI: Z offset problem
Yes of course , i have checked it ..
Napsal : 08/04/2023 7:40 pm