Z-offset in SLIC3R-PREVIEW
I've a permanent 10.2mm Z-offset in the SLIC3R-preview. In the SLIC3R-3D editor view any object sits well on top (Z=0) of the printbed. The printer starts printing on top (Z=0.2) of the printbed as supposed to do. Print is OK. Screen shots appended.
It seems that the Z-offset in the 3D view is introduced after g-code processing.
Does anyone know how to fix this offset?
RE: Z-offset in SLIC3R-PREVIEW
Could you save your project file (File>Save As) which will save a .3mf file with the model and all your settings in there. Zip it up and attach it (forum wont take 3mf files but will do zip files). That was we can see if its a setting in the slicer.
Its most likely to be a settings under Printer>General>Z offset.
RE: Z-offset in SLIC3R-PREVIEW
... it doesn't matter which model/part is sliced. The offset is always introduced after g-code generation.
Printer>General>Z offset is 0.
RE: Z-offset in SLIC3R-PREVIEW
@totog, In your start gcode, line 14 you move the head to Z= 210 (G1 Z210) and line 16 you define this position as Z=200 (G92 Z200), your strange offset seems to be there.
Marlin's Gcode explanations can be found here.
MK3s Stock, PS2.3, Fusion360, Debian, Windows 10.
RE: Z-offset in SLIC3R-PREVIEW
Nicely spotted. That would have the same effect as setting the Z Height offset.