Z calibration failure
Hi all!
I recently upgraded to firmware 3.2.0RC2 - and immediately on doing so, I started getting Z calibration failures when the Z axis returns back down from the top- normally stopping a few inches down. Tried building custom firmware with the stall value much higher (up to 6), and still encountered issue.
Video of the issue:
Tried undoing the entire Z axis- re-tightened at the bottom, checked the trapezoidal nuts can move freely, turning the Z axis by hand with the machine off is smooth, ran a cloth all the way up and down the trapeziodal rods a few times (including inside the groove), added a touch of lithium grease... Factory resets all over the place.
At that point I downgraded to 3.1.3, factory reset, recalibrated, and the issue went away and I carried on happily. Then 3.2.1 was released and I figured I could give it another try. Still failed. Only this time, I downgraded to 3.1.3 and it's still failing the Z axis calibration in the same way! Which is extra weird, as 3.1.3 doesn't have the Z stall detection which I originally thought was the issue.
On 3.1.3-245, factory reset 'Shipping Prep', and 'All Data', re-ran the starting wizard. Completes the self test (aside from print fan issue mentioned below), prompts about starting the XYZ calibration, does X and Y homing, throws the Z axis to the top, asks if steel sheet is on heatbed ("No"), ensure nozzle is clean, moves a few inches down (tends to vary each time), and then stops with "Calibration Failed! Check the axes and run again". No changes since previous successful calibration in which all axes were reported as perpendicular.
In the interest of full disclouse, my print fan is currently intermittently failing due to what seems to be a cable break ('squishing' the cable bundle which goes to the extruder makes it work).
On the basis that the issue seems to have worsened, and isn't always stopping at the same Z point, could this be a failed/failing Z stepper? any other ideas?
Serial output from stock 3.1.3 (no debug):
echo: 3.1.3-245
echo: Last Updated: Mar 9 2018 15:13:33 | Author: (none, default config)
Compiled: Mar 9 2018
echo: Free Memory: 1745 PlannerBufferBytes: 1312
echo:Hardcoded Default Settings Loaded
CrashDetect ENABLED!
tmc2130_init(), mode=NORMAL
echo:SD card ok
echo:busy: paused for user
State: 0
echo:busy: paused for user
echo:enqueing "M45 Z"
0 step=30 mscnt= 480
tmc2130_goto_step 0 29 2 1000
0 step=34 mscnt= 552
tmc2130_goto_step 1 33 2 1000
echo:busy: processing
echo:busy: processing
echo:busy: processing
echo:busy: processing
echo:busy: processing
echo:busy: processing
echo:busy: processing
echo:busy: processing
echo:busy: paused for user
echo:busy: paused for user
echo:busy: paused for user
echo:endstops hit: Z:97.98
Serial output from 3.2.0 source build with Z stall detection set to 5:
[INFO] RECV: start
Printer is now online.
[INFO] RECV: echo: 3.2.0-555
[INFO] RECV: echo: Last Updated: May 11 2018 12:35:41 | Author: (none, default config)
[INFO] RECV: Compiled: May 11 2018
[INFO] RECV: echo: Free Memory: 1642 PlannerBufferBytes: 1392
[INFO] RECV: echo:Hardcoded Default Settings Loaded
[INFO] RECV: adc_init
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_init(), mode=NORMAL
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_set_wave 3 0
[INFO] RECV: factor: 0.000
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_init(), mode=NORMAL
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_set_wave 3 0
[INFO] RECV: factor: 0.000
[INFO] RECV: PAT9125_init:1
[INFO] RECV: FSensor
[INFO] RECV: echo:SD card ok
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: paused for user
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: paused for user
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: paused for user
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: paused for user
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: paused for user
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: paused for user
[INFO] RECV: ok T:32.1 /0.0 B:33.7 /0.0 T0:32.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0 P:28.7 A:31.6
[INFO] RECV: ok T:32.1 /0.0 B:33.4 /0.0 T0:32.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0 P:28.7 A:32.1
[INFO] RECV: ok T:32.1 /0.0 B:33.4 /0.0 T0:32.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0 P:28.6 A:31.2
[INFO] RECV: ok T:31.7 /0.0 B:33.3 /0.0 T0:31.7 /0.0 @:0 B@:0 P:28.7 A:31.4
[INFO] RECV: echo:enqueing "M45 Z"
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_home_enter(axes_mask=0x01)
[INFO] RECV: 0 step=30 mscnt= 480
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_goto_step 0 29 2 1000
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_home_exit tmc2130_sg_homing_axes_mask=0x01
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_home_enter(axes_mask=0x02)
[INFO] RECV: 0 step=34 mscnt= 544
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_goto_step 1 33 2 1000
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_home_exit tmc2130_sg_homing_axes_mask=0x02
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: processing
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_home_enter(axes_mask=0x04)
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: processing
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_home_exit tmc2130_sg_homing_axes_mask=0x04
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: processing
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_home_enter(axes_mask=0x04)
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: processing
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: processing
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: processing
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: processing
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: processing
[INFO] RECV: tmc2130_home_exit tmc2130_sg_homing_axes_mask=0x04
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: paused for user
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: paused for user
[INFO] RECV: echo:busy: paused for user
[INFO] RECV: echo:endstops hit: Z:99.25
Re: Z calibration failure
So... just now I decided that, hey if it's broken on all FW versions, I might as well have 3.2.1 as the working one whilst I'm trying to fix this.
Flashed 3.2.1, factory reset - all data, flashed 3.2.1 again immediately after (just because).
Now Z calibration passed. WTH.
Re: Z calibration failure
And now auto-homing after a reset homes the Z axis in the middle of no where, and re-running Z calibration fails 🙁 Just a false sense of hope there for a bit 😆
Re: Z calibration failure
Replacement printer fan just turned up. Since installing, have been able to calibrate without issue... Will continue to monitor; still very odd!
Re: Z calibration failure
OK, probably a final update here - nozzle crashed on point 4 of 4 when running Z calibration. Further investigation shows that wiggling the cable bundle out the back of the extruder causes the PINDA probe to turn on and off... probably an issue with the PINDA all along!
Re: Z calibration failure
Hi. I have the same problem right now. It is like it doesnt know where the "Z" has its own zero. In my case, I manually put the print-head all along down to find out what's wrong. . The same results after calibration and the same failure. I did it again and tried to move "Z" only manually using the menu. It worked in the up direction. But when I decided to go down, it didnt work. When I moved with the "Z" up, it resets its position to zero value so it cant go down anymore. It happens in every height until the weird point of "stop". Above the stop it doesn't resets its value.
Re: Z calibration failure
Hi. I have the same problem right now. It is like it doesnt know where the "Z" has its own zero. In my case, I manually put the print-head all along down to find out what's wrong. . The same results after calibration and the same failure. I did it again and tried to move "Z" only manually using the menu. It worked in the up direction. But when I decided to go down, it didnt work. When I moved with the "Z" up, it resets its position to zero value so it cant go down anymore. It happens in every height until the weird point of "stop". Above the stop it doesn't resets its value.
Watch the top of your pinda probe whilst running the calibration, make sure the red light stays on the whole time 🙂 this is what I discovered:
Re: Z calibration failure
Thx Darren. I have the same turning on and off while I am tilting cables. So cables are problem. Do you thing that just rearanging them would help?
Re: Z calibration failure
Thx Darren. I have the same turning on and off while I am tilting cables. So cables are problem. Do you thing that just rearanging them would help?
It's a break in the cable; the constant flexing which occurs during printing will eventually break them- just it's happened a bit sooner than expected!
Rearranging the cables isn't likely to resolve; especially not in the long run.
Reach out to Prusa support (as I have too) and hopefully they can supply a replacement as these are in warranty 🙂
RE: Z calibration failure
a bit old thread but the problem remain. I encountered the same problem now. The cables starts to break one after other. Three days ago repaired fax cable, day after bed temp. cable. Three day after - problems with Pinda cable...
Can you tell what is total running time of your printer to the first problems? (Statistic menu). Printer I have is cca 2 years old but it seems that all the cables are already gone... waiting to be replaced. I know - really important is how well the cables are tigted together and led out - not to be bended in one point, but still I would like to know the running time to the first problems...