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z calibration and pinda position  

New Member
z calibration and pinda position

Hello everybody, I installed this mod in order to install the hemera on my mk3s.

This mod however moves the position of the pinda sensor as listed on the project's page.

The issue that I'm now facing is that, even though I correctly changed all parameters on the configuration_prusa.h file, when I try to do the xyz calibration the printer is unable to find the test pads. Not only that but it also seems to crash the y axis when probing the first pad. I think this is due to the fact that whatever algorithm is used when probing the pad area (which seems to be some sort of image processing that takes pinda values on a grid around the expected position of the pad and computes the real pad position) disregards the endstops.

I have taken a look at the firmware (ver. 3.12.1) and a series of functions caught my eye:

xyzcal_find_bed_induction_sensor_point_xy(void) seems to be the function that gets called whenever an xyz calibration occurs

xyzcal_searchZ() gets called inside the previous function and subsequently calls xyzcal_spiral8(x0, y0, z, 100, 900, 320, 1, &ad) where the "900" value is the radius. I have reason to believe that by changing the radius of the calibration to something like 450, the y axis would stop crashing and the calibration could work fine.

My question is: is this change safe to do? is there anything else that needs to change?

Postato : 26/02/2023 3:42 pm