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Z axis not moving to the top  

Eminent Member
Z axis not moving to the top

I just got my new mk3 kit assembled and have been having issues with the z axis. At first the axis would not move at all with the motors. I could move it manually by turning the screws, and the carriage would move freely on the rods. After disassembly/reassembly I was able to move the Z axis with the motors via the "Move Axis" menu, however after the initial setup wizard axis check the Z axis will not move to the top. The motors sound like they are working but there is no movement. If I move the Z axis to the top manually it will come down under motor control when I start the  cal process, and it will move up and down when I start the 4 points cal but of course this fails since it cannot move to the top to set the Z distance. Has anyone else had this problem? I set the PINDA per the manual, and have performed a factory reset to no avail. Any help is appreciated!

Postato : 21/07/2019 5:04 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Z axis not moving to the top

Make sure you have the correct firmware installed (MK3 & MK3S are different).

Make sure nothing is blocking X, Y, or Z motion.  Cable ties and wire sleeves that hit the EINSY case or frame are common. As are cooling fan screws that hit the left lead screw. Same for fan cable not routed correctly.

Make sure the two dust nuts are not touching the Z motors.

And, if you did not install the T-nuts by hand during assembly, good chance they were damaged and causing drag.


Postato : 21/07/2019 5:14 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z axis not moving to the top

I have MK3S firmware 3.7.1-2266

Cables are routed such that all axis movement is unimpeded, however I hadn't considered the side fan screws. One screw does touch the left Z screw with the carriage all the way to the left. Removal of the back fan screws that impact the screw results in the fan touching the screw. Is this normal? Should my left Z axis motor/screw be move futher to the left somehow?

The Z dust covers were just touching, so I backed them off but that didn't help. I installed the T-Nuts by hand, however it does take some force to turn them on the Z screws. I can barely turn the Z screw with one hand with the X/Extruder carriage installed. Bad t-nuts or damaged during my install? The right side nut went on fairly easily but the left of difficult to start.

Postato : 21/07/2019 5:56 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z axis not moving to the top

Looks like I fixed it. I loosened the top Z rail mount screws, and the screws that mount the Z motors to the bottom mounts. I then ran the carriage all the way to the top and tightened the bolts, then I repeated that process for the bottom mounts. I was able to successfully do the 4 points calibration, as well as the 9 point cal with the steel plate. That's all I have time for now but that's progress!

Postato : 21/07/2019 9:27 pm
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