Z axis loud noise and vibration
I have been printing successfully for several months (well, other than my hot-end going out on me and the fan shroud breaking). But I had a problem with one of my prints skipping layers (see attached photo). I decided to re-calibrate it and now the Z axis is causing loud noises on movement (Video: ).
Troubleshooting so far:
Loosened Z-Screw covers
Loosened Trapezoidal nuts
Loosened Z-Axis top parts
Loosened Z-Axis motor mounts
Removed Trapezoidal nuts looking for any damage (They spin quite freely on the rods on their own).
Greased rods
Inspected wiring looking for any loose cables
Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Z axis loud noise and vibration
I'm having squealing noise problem. Anyway, it looked like the x gantry are not perpendicular on horizontal plane, meaning the x gantry are tilted causing some resistance.
Maybe you could try some of these
- calibrate z from printer menu
- check if there's any wobble on z motor mounts
- check for cable clearance from x min and x max on the frame
Re: Z axis loud noise and vibration
Calibrating the Z axis is failing
No wobble (I have completely removed and put back the Z axis motors).
There is plenty of cable clearance
I also raized the X gantry to the top to ensure that it was level accross the two sides. Though the video was taken after I manually adjusted it looking for any particular spots of resistance.