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Y-Axis thinks home is everywhere  

Martin Fredriksson
New Member
Y-Axis thinks home is everywhere


So I've had my printer for a few weeks now and it mostly works great. One thing that really bothers me is that the Y axis "Auto Home" doesn't work very well.

Whenever I run auto home or start a new print the Y-axis will just go back 1 cm from wherever it is and say "Hey, I'm home now".

For example. I print something, the last code of the print runs the Y to the front displaying the printed object. Y is now in the front.

I turn the printer off. Later I wanna print something else.

I start the print which is initialized with heating and "auto homing" as per the gcode. Y will go back maybe one or two centimeters and say "Hey, I'm home".

The bed mesh leveling now starts with the wrong position of Y. The Y axis can't move where the motor wants it to go. The belt skips and there is a horrible sound as Y tries to move forward although already being in the front.

Any suggestions?

Veröffentlicht : 13/12/2018 4:16 pm
Martin Fredriksson
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Y-Axis thinks home is everywhere

Struggling with this for 2 weeks. Posts and find possible solution 2 seconds later.

I think my pulley might have been just a tiiiiiiiny bit too close to the motor and hence scratching very slightly on the motor. It seems good for now, but then again it has been on and off earlier so I'm gonna have to testing some more.

Veröffentlicht : 13/12/2018 4:53 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
Re: Y-Axis thinks home is everywhere

Something in your build is caused the y-motor to sense end of travel at the wrong place during initial xyz calibration.

Power OFF

1. Detach your y-belt and check that the print bed moves freely the entire distance forwards and backwards. If it is binding, that position may be detected as end-of-travel during xyz calibration.

2. Recheck y motor pulley is not pushed up against motor housing. Get the pulley positioned on the shaft so it is aligned left/right with the y-belt holder.

3. Redo y belt tension

Re-run wizard so the system can re-learn x y z limit positions.

Veröffentlicht : 13/12/2018 5:07 pm