Y axis occasionally jamming
Hey guys, I tried searching posts for my issue but I couldnt find anything quickly. I have been having some issues where my y axis (forward and back) when looking at the front of the printer, gets jammed, and the printer doesnt know this happens. I tried removing the belt and checking to make sure everything runs smooth, and I cant feel anything that would cause this. I read somewhere that the bearings need to be repacked? If that is the case, are there instructions? Maybe one of the ball bearings in the bearing assembly has a flat spot? If so would repacking help solve that issue? Should I just replace all three bearings? This printer has been running for about 1.5 years, and this jamming has been happening for the last 6 months on about 1 of every 10 prints (more prone to happen on larger y axis objects, than small things).
Thanks in advance.
RE: Y axis occasionally jamming
The most likely bearing to cause this probkem, or phantom Y axis crashes, is the Y axis idler, it is easy to get at to check and cheap to replace if damaged. Take a look.