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[Résolu] Y Axis not working after firmware update  

New Member
Y Axis not working after firmware update

Hello, I just finished building my Mk3S+ last night and went through calibration and a good first print this morning. Then I looked into it and realized I needed up update my firmware, so I did that, following the instructions on the knowledge base and everything seemed to be fine. I sliced and tried to load up another test print, and the printer immediately crashed. I don't remember the exact error message, but it was something about a crash or error, and that I could continue printing. I tried to load up the print again, and it seemed fine at first but quickly, after about half the first perimeter of the benchy, it "detected a crash" and stopped. Then it moved the Y axis all the way forward and tried again, and kept crashing the Y axis into the end.

When I do a self-test it gives me the Y axis lenth too short error. I am able to move the Y axis smoothly along it's whole length so I know it isn't a physical problem. I've tried reflashing the firmware but the selftest keeps giving me the same error.

Best Answer by mitman1234:

Solved by itself once I had put everything back together.

Publié : 28/12/2021 10:00 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Y Axis not working after firmware update

I have taken apart the Y axis and there is nothing blocking the movement of the axis. With the motor disconnected, the operation is extremely smooth. It is much less smooth with the motor connected. It has sections that feel very hard and some that are easier, makes me think maybe something is wrong with my Y axis stepper? Is the Y axis supposed to feel like there's a very hard section every 1-2 inches with the motor attached?

Publié : 28/12/2021 10:42 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Y Axis not working after firmware update

Solved by itself once I had put everything back together.

Publié : 29/12/2021 12:44 am
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