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Y axis movement problem  

New Member
Y axis movement problem

Hello everybody.

I have a little trouble with the Y axis. It does not move properly. Here is a video that will allow you to see the problem.

Has anyone ever had this problem and managed to solve it?

Postato : 23/08/2018 1:21 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Y axis movement problem

Turn off printer and check if Y axis moves smoothly.
Try Auto Home in settings. if this not helping, repeat self test and XYZ calibration.

Postato : 23/08/2018 3:14 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Y axis movement problem

From the video, it appears something may be interfering with the free movement of the Y-axis. It could be a zip-tie, wiring, the printer being too close to that rear wall (can't tell from the vid), or other obstruction. I'd start there.

If you haven't yet, you might review the comments in the online version of the build instructions--the same issue may have been encountered by others with their observations/suggestions.

That's "MISTER Old Fart" to you!

Postato : 23/08/2018 3:56 pm